Saturday, July 24, 2010

besties for badge of 2010

February guy ,
my "nyamuk" :)
i do miss you n love you .
aku kne lupekan kau.
sebab ,,
kau da lupekan aku .
i noe, u r a nice person .

September '93
ak sayangg kau .
ak tao kau da ade your own new life.
ak tak kcaw .
kite kne terima pe je yg terjadi.
u r the innocent man.

November '93
hey boy .
i noe it's hard for me to recall our memories back .
tp kan. i do miss you la.
kau byk bg semangat kat ak.
start dr ak ngn bf ak yg second ,
smpai yg third punye.
thanks sgt2 weyh .
i do regret for what i've done to you .
and it was too late to have u back .
take good care ya.

March boy,
u r so nice to me.
kau sayang ak.
ak tao.
i appreciate it so much.
but i can't accept you.
i'm sorry !

budak May
i was a stalker of you since i was young.
idk y.
i have interest in you.
perhaps i could be admiring you .
i noe i can't get you.
but it's enuf as long as
you r always remember me .
mr. e.h.p for badge of 2007
it's complicated man.
ak bnci la ble org yg ak nk , ak tak dpt .
tapi kali nie, ak da blaja erti "redha"
bff . insyaAllah .

you r such a nice, lovely person i've ever met.
i m happy to have a friend like you.
idk y.
perhaps because u always make me smile?
u r different .
thanks for this three years, dear .

kau nie..
kadang2 menyakitkan hati.
kadang2 tnpe ak sedar, byk da kau tolong ak.
thanks for that .
but any how, ak tao , ak da tak mcm dlu .
kau pown suke bandingkan diri kau ngn aku smpai kan
kau punye semangat pun da turun .
ak tanak disebabkan ak, kau jd down.
so, break a leg .
kau almost perfect .
kau cantik , kau pandai, cume kdg2 kau tanak mengaku yg
kau nie mmg sensitif ! :)

i dont have much to say about you.
because u r jst awesome ! :)

rse nye..
byk da ak pendam perasaan dr korg..
bad n good things.
korang mmg the best .
susah nk dpt kwn mcm korg.
sbb tu jugak
ak taley trime if
kte tak amek kesah ttg the members of f8
sorry girls .

hey my 'anak buah'
it has been a long time kte tak contact kn.
idk if i did something wrong with you .
but i do remember what i have said to you.
and, ak pernah tekad kn untuk tanak kwn ngn kau lg.
nie semua sbb "nyamuk".
and, ak still harap kte ley jd kwn.

lega . semua berjalan dgn lancar.
mse kte gado dlu pown da settle.
thanks hncurkan ego ak ckit2 . :)
take good care of ur gf.
she seemed to be busier than b4.
nk lepak ngn die pown skank mcm la nk mnx pergi bercuti ngn perdana menteri . :)

1 comment:

  1. the ,. hmmm ., the february guy isn't a nice person . i stalked him for few weeks and i was wrong . he's bad .. obviously .. :(


Heart's Talk