Monday, December 12, 2011

Change for the Better

Going 17 ? omg -o-
Boleh tak skip SPM and masuk U terus ? o.O"
Bila recall balik since the holiday began, memang tak lah kan aku belajar.
Cuma attend tuition classes and that's it.
And sekarang rasa ketinggalan gila-gila. Woi I'm going 17 la, in a month . pfft.
Oh before I forget, currently I don't active my fb accounts .
Perhaps temporarily. Depends.
There's a personal reason I did that. So for those my friends,
Just text or call me.

Oh ye. Penat letak harapan tinggi. Penat sakit hati. Penat nak fikir dua benda dalam satu masa.
You just have to remember I won't let you go. But as for now, I need to be alone.
Pretend like this relationship never happen.
Just to make my heart smile back as it did a year before.
You once told me, I'm strong.
Yeah , I always am.
Let me do it with my own way and you'll just have to see the real me soon, very soon .
I'll pay back without hurting you even a scar .

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Giving you chances.Yeah, Still.

Yes, being in love is wonderful.
Yes, I am being loved by you.
Yes, we do love each other.
But, why is it pain?

It is just like the love story of peter pan.
They love each other but they can't be together.

You're right. I just wasting my time thinking about love craps. I am going 17.
Let study be my priority, as you remind me.
Right, while I have to see you dating another girl? Is that so?
Can't you just leave me? Instead of
torture me with this stupid feelings? Because I can't leave you.
I would let you take the first step and leave me.
Yes, you changed my life a lot. But if I just go on with my life
as before I confess my feelings towards you,
I think my life would just go smooth without doubt.

p/s : You know what? We just don't belong to each other . That's the reason.

So Untitiled :)

Morning everyone.
First of all, it's school holiday yaww !
Hogwart is now holiday ;D haha.

ok fine.I had a hard time this whole day but all these social networking seem to put a smile on my face tonight. Byebye tears ;P
As usual I'm going to highlight about the final exam :) Here are some cotton for those who don't wanna hear. Oh my pardon , you can't hear me. Oh, what if you just close the tab :) easier.
As I've mentioned before, we were having an amazing fake exam, aite? So how's your result going? Pretty cool,huh (: All the last minute revisions seem have helped you a lot huh? So do I.
(eh , rasanya ak nak cakap banyak tadi. kenapa jari ni terkelu =.=)
Ok fine I won't talk much . About the droping-accounts case . Yeah it haunted me every second till the last day giving name to Pn Tan for those who wanted to drop accounts.
Hence I don't drop .
Okay, someone told me not to drop and to cut it short , she said I just have to depend on Mrs Lee, ET Tuition Acc Teacher. Is it true? Because there are some of my friends went for the tuition class but they didn't score. I doubt. But then I just go for it. My acc first class was going well so far. I have no problem with the way Mrs Lee teaches. But when I started to do the homeworks, I was so rooted to the ground(aish ayat pape ntah ak ni) .But then I just let it be. Maybe it's too early. Honestly I have no interest in learning accounts. It's zero interest okay? But Idk. Perhaps I just love to torture or challenge my ownself. That's the reason.
I can handle acc exam even I dislike it. So why don't I just finish what I've started, am I right?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Them , who made my day !

Let's sum up.
I went to Jusco Bukit Tinggi yesterday which was Saturday . Baru je start cuti. hehe .
Semua cousins yang plan ! Gila rindu dorang !
So I reached there around 1030 . Memang la kan satu jam tnggu. Ak pun makan ice cream sorang2 . Pfft.
But then tiba ak dpt txt 'da smpai' . I didn't know he was coming . Oh yeah,
He is the one down here :) This was the 6th time jumpa after 5years kenal. Haha.

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Surprisingly he's coming :) hehe. But then hang out sekejap je sebab plan nak lepak dengan cousin , bukan dia ^_^" anyway , thanks for coming ! You made my daY !

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Ini la mereka2 yang ak rindu gila tahap maksimum ! :) Cousin Fatin Fairuz tu da brpe bulan tak jumpa sebab dia skarang study kat UiTM Perlis. Kalau tak b4 this asyik berkepit je^^"
Rindu teramat ! So tak lekang lah senyuman kat mulut ni kalau jumpa dorang! ;D I end up sleep over their house , hehe !

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Ye paling rindu budak sebelah kiri tu la! My cousin's bf for 3 years. Gila la! Setahun tak jumpa dia. Tak berubah kot. Enjoy sangat2 jumpa dorang ! Tak puas ! Tak puas buli budak baju hitam tu ! haha .

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Fatin Faiza , Fatin Fairuz .
They have changed me a lot in a better way !
Bersyukur dapat cousins macam korang .
I just love y'all SO DAMN MUCH !
No one else could replace you girls in my heart . Muacks!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

You get my full supports :)

<3 One Direction *Zayn Malik <3

Amirul Hadi Zainal :)

I have no idea why I like him so much. Whenever he appears on the tv, I'll scream my voice out and cheers for him. Lalalalalala . Whattaa . But he's already had a hair-cut and he looks better now ^_^ Syukur Alhamdulillah, Selangor has succeed to compete in the semi finals of Piala Malaysia ;D But they lost in the first match by 0-2 . I do admit Terengganu has the best players I've ever seen before in Malaysia.They fast! but I really hope Selangor will win for this cup. Hope Amri Yahya would participate for the second match this week! Get well soon :) I promise to cheer for you guys! Safee please come back. I will never stop cheering for the strikers and the midfields yeah! ;) Selangor and Manchester United , challenge the boundaries ! Wohoo !

Fake Exam 11'

wuuu ~ everyone's studying like pfft =,=
Another 3-day-exam to go! Can't wait to finish all this mess.
Supposingly exam is the best thing to do sebab benda ni buat kita cabar diri sendiri kan .
Tapi exam kali ni , fake .
Entah kenapa ak cakap fake kan. Ak pun fake sekali.
Soalan bocor sana bocor sini. Kadang2 rasa macam tak buat exam pulak.
I did not expect that before.
Ye sure la ak pun ada la dapat soalan bocor drpd kawan. tapi tak rely sangat la. Terima kasih jugak kt kawan tu. Even tak rapat, dia jugak la yg tolong. Memang semua orang perlu soalan tu kan. Ak pun. Sebab tak sempat cover chapter. Terpaksa kan. Kalau kita blaja sekali pun sebulan sebelum exam, at the end of the day semua dapat soalan bocor, msti bengang jugak kan. Budak genius semua pun siap bangga bawak exam scheme kat skola , apa lg ak. Mula2 mmg rasa macam x fair la. Tp terpaksa amek jugak la. Mana adil kan orang dapat tapi kita diam je. Macam jahil la pulak. Orang yg tak dapat soalan bocor pun sepatutnya cikgu kata orang tu bagus, tp zaman berubah kot. Haha. Skrg ckgu kata, "Kesian dia tak dapat soalan bocor macam kamu~" Haih .Ni bukan merungut , tapi luahan. Lol. Pernah jugak teragak agak nak amek soalan bocor tu, rasa bersalah punya pasal kan. Bila mintak pndapat org lain, ada yg kata, "Jangan sombong, kena cari ngan kawan2 .." pulak ken. Tak kisah la. Cukup la kot 4 subject je ak mnx soalan. Berat wo . Ak respect diri ak tp tpu diri sendiri. Aiyak . Anyway, score tak score blakang cerita. Sebab score pun 'fake' . Adui . Apa la yg ak tak puas hati sgt ni. Em okay3 . So far exam ni, paper acc,sejarah and physics ak hancur kot :) hehe . Dah melayang dah target ak. Besok Biology. Tak sabar. Tak sabar nak cuti ! :) Nak sambut Deepavali ^__^ Nak keluar dgn kawan2! Nak gemuk kan badan. Haha! Apa2 pun, Faiqah, jauh gila lagi journey kau. Tolong lah jangan depends on soalan bocor. Malu la faiqah , maluuuu =.= . Sikit subjek je pun 2x5~ Kay la. Best of luck! Assalamualaikum :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

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Mr A, hope you're worth waiting for after few years seeking for the guy like you ;P

Friday, September 23, 2011

Health vs Exam

Haaaaaaahhhh ! Lamanya tak post blog ! I have no time to post blog , i spend most of my time sleeping :) bhaaha !
Okay , serious .
Final examination is around the corner and I still remember my promise to do my very best for the exam . I will go all out . But , there's always a but . Hmm . I can , but something bothers me a lot .Every single day I can't focus and concentrate on my studies especially during lessons in class . I got problem with my breathing so I really can't focus . I am sorry teacher . I seldom have to close my eyes and control my breathing. I got to drink a lot of water and lie my head down on the desk because it's suffering me . I am sorry if that makes you feel annoyed by my action . I am trying teacher.

Oh about my promise . I hope I can do well . Actually , since last year I already put Leong Sok Yan as my idol for my studies path. I really admire her . I want to be like her. That is why I kept promising myself to do well, so that I can be like her . And as for now, I am just hoping a good health. I haven't study a thing for this coming exam and of course I am worried. But I will still try my best to score but not to the maximum. At least an A- will do. InsyaAllah , amin .

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hope things get better

Hey readers ,
It's been too long since I last posted blog .
Bahhhhh ~
This month terlalu banyak benda yang berlaku.
I get stressed too much kot sampai sesak nafas and kena jumpa doktor just 2 weeks before 2nd monthly test . Tidak seperti yang dirancang .
At the same time , my grandfather has to undergo an operation.
And he's one of my closest relative , siapa tak sedih . Boleh cakap he's my another father instead of being my grandfather :'(
Dia tak pernah sakit sebelum ni . So this is my first time seeing him sick.
Terseksa bila tengok dia batuk . Kena tahan batuk sebab baru operate jantung .
Alhamdulillah dia dah lepas 3 risiko and operation selamat .
But when he got home , he's sick again . Malam semua tak tidur and me included .
Pernah tengok macam mana orang menghembuskan nafas terakhir ?
Dia macam tu tapi alhamdulillah dia masih diberi kesempatan untuk hidup.
I can consider that as one of the heart attack symptom .
And this happened during exam season ,
I was shivering when I looked after him :(
Readers , kalau tak keberatan , pray for my grandfather's health .
May he lives longer , amin .

2ND MONTHLY TEST was quite okay. It's not too hard and it's never too easy. Seperti yang telah dirancang , I cannot target any high marks for this monthly test . I am not in the appropriate situation . My mom once said , "Kalau belajar pandai-pandai sekalipun, tapi tak sihat , tak guna jugak" . So , I decided not to take the monthly test seriously. I studied at the eleventh hour . And tak cover semua pun . Baca and tawakkal . Subjek yang dah master , tak study sangat . So far I get healthier . Doctor ada cakap , "Kalau Allah nak bagi pass exam, dia bagi . Kalau kita belajar banyak mana pun , tapi DIA taknak bagi , tak guna jugak . Doktor ni pun dulu exam cukup2 makan je pun boleh jadi doktor ." So again I took his advices and bear in my mind . I'll save for final exam , insyaAllah . Tak sesuai rasanya kalau pentingkan exam daripada keluarga .
: To cut it short , Physics is the toughest and Add Maths is the easiest, as for now .

Rasanya belum terlambat lagi aku nak cakap Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan dan Selamat Berpuasa to all muslims :) Banyakkan beribadah dalam bulan puasa ni. Moga-moga kita diberkati olehNya . Amin .

Friday, July 15, 2011

Stop by and read :) iloveyoufriends

Today I am going to thank to those who have taken care of me , protected me and always be there for me when I needed you. Big thanks.
Including F8 members especially Aliah and Adlina,
family members especially nenek,
cousins - Fatin Fairuz and Fatin Faiza and Firdaus , Mustaqim,
Nadia Fariha, Billy Tan, Asyri, Ali Fikri,
Michelle Chan, Cik Faridah and Mr Ong.
and those yang banyak sangat tolong aku !
Terima kasih dears.
Appreciate y'all so much ! I am so blessed knowing such kind of people like y'all.
But I have been thinking about this a while .
You did look after me , but would I do the same thing to you ?
Sometimes I am quite disappoint with myself for being such a quiet type and I'm afraid I couldn't repay back your kindness.
I am so sorry , I am trying though. Just for you.

I just miss my old friends SO MUCH.
All those myspace friends, primary schools' friends .
Miss y'all like hell ! Where have you been ?
I miss the laughs and memories.
Those myspace friends , Ayoi for instance.
Primary schools' , Hazwani , Shadiah , Ridhwah , Syazwani , Syazalina , Filzah Faiqah , Hamzah , Elaine Tan , Neethiya Nair , Priya , Fathiya , Aiman Haris and Luqman Hakim .
Daniel Arbah and Fayyadh > best-old-neighbours-ever
Gilaa rindu korang ~
Precious memories ever ! I want all that back !
I wish I could turn back the time and be a nerd again ! Bhahahaha !

p/s : Kawan , kalau korang rasa aku pesaing korang, tak kira dalam apa-apa hal , aku minta maaf. Aku tak selesa korang fikir aku macam tu. Sebab aku tak anggap korang macam tu. Pesaing aku cuma diri aku sendiri. Tak pernah terfikir nak beat orang lain. Rasa tercabar tu adalah. Just challenge ownself and you'll know what you have gone through . Maaf tapi aku kena terus terang. Loveyougirls.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Runners Gathering ? :)

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Well ye ye ye, tauu .
Dah lama tak post . Haha . Even ada banyak cerita best tapi tak sempat nak post.
Kata pun best , mana lah nak ngat nak post kan :)

Okay lahh. Let bygones be bygones.
Hari ni punya cerita :) Okay .
Sekarang pukul 3.20pm and I just got home.
Tahu dari mana? Kami dari Aeon Bukit Tinggi :) yeah How lucky .
Hari ni Miss Helen Sim whom Blue House's teacher this year ,belanja kami makan McD ^_^
And yes , cikgu dah tunaikan janji :)
Before kami lari 4 by 400m on that sports day, masing masing takut.
Jaclyn dgn Michelle dah penat sebab dah byk lari before that.
So Mimi and I je kena tolong. then Miss Helen Sim datang, calm us down.
Macam tahun-tahun sebelum ni, Mimi mesti pengsan lepas lari.
So, kali ni Mimi cakap cikgu, kalau dia tak pengsan, cikgu belanja makan :) haha.
Finally memang Mimi tak pengsan, dia cuma pitam2 je. Caya lahh ! :)

Apa yang kurang best cuma tu lahh,
I'm the only form 4 . So Michelle kata ak sesat , haha .
Ok fine ^^" Memang . Lagipun ak memang dah takde kawan pun.
Nasib baik Michelle ada . Dgn org yg byk ckp n bg semangat, takde la ak bosan:)
Ohh btw, thanks to Jaclyn sbb bg taktik n strategy utk lari long distance .
You're the second one yg bg taktik after Amanina :) hehe.
Tak kisah la, ak mmg tauu biru menang sbb tgk la pun ak lari dgn siapa kan.
Athlete kan :) Terasa rendah je diri ak masa tuh. haha.
And finally memang menang pun :) Champion ! :D

So today is day. Teacher treated us MCD .
Lepas habis sekolah tadi Miss Helen brought us to Aeon .
Throughout the journey, mmg Michelle tak berhenti2 bercakap. Haha.
Kelakar la dia. Sadly , next year dia dah keluar sekolah.
Michelle and Jaclyn tak habis2 berdebat dalam kereta, sampai Miss Helen cakap,
"Faiqah , you don't let them scare you." haha ! What the.. ?
Memang scared pun sbb ak form 4 ! ^^"
And hari ni jugak lah ak first time makan burger kat McD.
Tak pernah2 makan, tp terpaksa la. Takkan nk cerewet pulak ^^"

On our way back home, Michelle and Jaclyn bual2 dengan cikgu pasal SPM.
Aku pasang telinga jela kan , :) YES , Michelle kalau bercakap, tak pernah nak kalah,
haha ! Kesian Jaclyn . Diorang cakap pasal addmath and accounts.
Seronok ahh ^_^ And the sad thing was,
Michelle kept asking me who is going to be the blue house captain next year .
She's kinda worry about this, gila responsible lahh dia .
She's asking me like , quite many times since sports day lagi.
Then ak cakap la maybe Eliana, or t could be Shwu Ling .
But she kept refusing ~ No no no no ,.
Hmm . Kesian . And she asked me to find 3 peoples for 4 by 400m next year ! ;P pfft .
Siapa nak ? Ingat senang nak cari ? Dahla Priya dah pindah sekolah :(
And paling terkejut , dia suruh ak dapatkan at least 30 points for rumah biru macam dia n Jaclyn , uh . Siapa ak nie nak jadi hebat cam dorang . .argh . .
Macam wasiat pulak ! haha !
But I would like to give a try next year :)

Tu jela kot cerita hari ni. Yeay :) I'm happy !
Instead of being stressed all the time with studies ~ =.='

Monday, July 4, 2011

Coming School Sports Day, 2011

Yeay esok Sukan Tahunan! Lama dah tunggu :) Post kali ni tak panjang sebab benda belum berlaku. Cuma kinda nervous for the event tomorrow. 9:
Every year pun participate 4 by 400m but last year je tak menang sebab ada orang pengsan n disqualified ;( pheww . And I've started participating 400m solo one last year when I was in form 3 :) And this year, nak try nasib lagi, hehe.
That day ada training sekejap dengan Michelle Chan, blue house captain . She's so strict !
Aku pun macam kena torture pulak . Kena paksa buat frog jump , sudah2 nya sakit kaki sampai berhari-hari . Naik turun tangga lagi la menyeksakan. Nasib baik hari sebelum lari dah okay sikit . Terkilan sikit kot sebab tak dapat nak training macam yg Michelle suruh. Tak kisah la.
Lari sebab enjoy . kan ! :) So esok 400m final ada 4 orang je , hehe. Aku lorong 6 :) kena pandai plan and guna stadium tu la , kalau nak menang. Macam last year lorong 8 , scary but won~
Apa yang aku excited esok ialah , 4 by 400m . I'll be running with 3 form 5s. Woahh , semua hebat2 ! And they are also my role model pun or so-called idol :) teehee .
They are Zatil Syamimi, Jacklyn Soo and Michelle Chan . But at the same time, risau jugak bila tahun depan , siapa nak lari sama2 ? :( Takpe la , besok lari dgn mereka2 :) Gonna help them to win and tebus balik johan sebab last year tak dpt .^^" I am so looking forward to tomorrow's events instead of Band Marching and performances, :D *wink ;)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cheers :)


yeah , mark my word :)
That simple motto brings me success and helps me a lot !
I'm using it whenever the examination is coming ,
I'm not using Never Say Never ~.~
because I said that for many times ed ^_^"
Find your own motto and use it to the fullest ;)
Oh not to forget , you do need supports too
instead of burns the midnight oil during exam season, okay ?
If you don't get any support , just find any :) haha.

Well the purpose I posted this blog is to talk about the School Open Day
which was held on Tue, June 28 .
If you don't want to read this because of you don't wanna think of exam ed,
then don't read ^_^'
Ohh btw I got number 2 in class with straight A's and average marks of 0.92,
and I'm happy ;) *never expect that though.
Since then I know ed how to study like those genius macam Weithong and Losshiny. hehe.
Next target is to master all the form 4's subjects so that I would not struggle with form 5's lessons later on. Yeah you can do it !
I just know teacher would mention about my kehadiran. I know because she just don't know what to talk to my dad ;P
UB3 is coming and we'll just have to face it again and fulfill all our promises to do well for the next's.

Therefore , Gambatteh ne ! :D
p/s : I am so looking forward to Bon Odori Festival on July 16 ^____^
Love ya !

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heart Them Much

:) They just love dancing to death and influence me to stick my eyes on them dancing !

#1 B2ST
~South Korean Band !

#2 Jabbawockeez
~ American Best Dance Crew !

#3 - Elecoldxhot
Showdown 2011 !

#4 - Legacy
SoYouThinkYouCanDance Season 6 !

#5 - Billy Bell & Alex Wong
SoYouThinkYouCanDance Season 7 !

When I bored, i'd do this

I am so in love with them , haha ?
Espeacially at the end of the video when they start to dance spontaneously ~

Friday, June 24, 2011


Well I just dislike you all nowadays, classmates.
You are sometimes annoying , don't have to act smart because you already are.
but please do me a favor.
Don't be rude and do respect our teachers.
Best sangat ke dapat title 'pandai' ?
and at the same time you keep calling everyone 'idiot' ?
There you go, korang nampak tak seorang cikgu dah fed-up dengan kita?

Are you all happy now ?

Monday, June 13, 2011


Holiday's over , school's reopen
Homeworks are undone , exam results start to be given away.
Ohh yeah , First day of school was sleepy by the way.
I felt really awkward when I was entering the school gate this morning.
This June school reopening will be a very tiring weeks with lots of activities.
Everyone keeps forcing me today to do this and that , go here and there =='
As a band members, must go to band practises and meeting blah blah blah .
As a blue house member sum more have to participate this and that .
"Faiqah, go and write your name for the event!"
"Nanti la cikgu, saya tak sure lagi, taktau boleh lari lagi atau tak,"
"Tulis saja lah , next week I'll test you lah.. go NOW.."
"Later teacher . . ."
"Girl , go and try the high jump there !" . " . . . . . . "
"Try lahh .. " . " . . . .!!! . . "
Sigh ~

Ohh btw today i've got my exam papers.
I already got my Agama,Biology,PJK and BM Paper 2 .
Alhamdulillah all A so far , except for BM paper 2 cause I haven't get the Paper 1.
Tomorrow will be the next tiring day . Exampapersday.
So I'll just have to wait for tomorrow. I hope that all my efforts paid off.
It's Payback Time ,okay?
For my Accounts paper, I'll just have to put my finger crossed
that I will AT LEAST pass the paper ! Idc even it is a D. I MUST pass :')
Okay , I'll welcome you, Tuesday.

You Are Almost Perfect

Oh well yeah ,
today I met you, in front of school
It is a kind of bussiness meeting
And it is also our first 'meet' since I know you 3 years ago
I met YOU
It's been so long aite ? You've changed a lot.
And of course in a better way , FAR better than previous years.
Nov 11,08 is still in memories.
Ohh thanks SO very much for helping me in my studies.
You do support me to succeed. You wanted it !
You do care about me but I'm afraid you are someone's.
You're no longer Ika's ^^" but I am happy for you too.
Just to remind myself, I am going to do it.
I'll just have to search for someone just like you.
I like you, A . <3 Lets be friends forever ? ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Have FUN @ Sunway Lagoon !

Well , on the 5th of June
my mum brought me, my bro, my sis and bro's pal to Sunway Lagoon yeah ! It was super duper hecking FUN ! haha ! We took 3 themes , which were Water Park, Wildlife Park and Amusement Park . So we've decided to go to amusement park first ! Seriously it was F*CKING FUN !

Here are some of pictures just after we reach there ^_^
Mula mula kami kami pergi naik sorta roller coaster yg tahap budak2 je boleh rasa ketakutannya . haha ! dah lama woot tak naik roller coaster ! Hajat tercapai jugak ! :D
Then kami kami pulak pergi la naik apa benda tah nama , yang naik satu boat nie then dia bawak kita naik tinggi2 then terjun dengan curam ke bawah and got splash ! ala korang pernah naik kan , :) so that was one of the best jugak . haha ! Habis basah ! :)
Ada banyak lagi lah ktorg dah naik .
Sayangnya ktorg tak bawak camera :( Simpan dalam locker ,
Yang paling best ialah Pirate's Revenge and Tomahawk .

Masa naik PR nie , aku jerit sampai takde suara ! haha ,
Ktorg duduk in order camnie , Udin, Faiq, Ika, Shasha and mum.
So ak kat tengah la kan . aku punya la jerit tak ingat dunia sebab takut ,
aku jerit nama faiq , aku tak habis2 cakap CUKUP CUKUP ! haha !
makin aku cakap cukup , makin tinggi dia bawak !
Yang bamyak jerit , aku, Udin dengan Shasha ! haha .
Udin tak habis2 , "bang, turunkan saya ! " haha .
Nie yg cm naik sampan tu yg pusing 360 degree ~ haha ~
korang pernah? XD

Yang tomahawk pulak aku diam. Tatao nape , sama jugak cam PR tapi lagi laju n sekejap , memang tak tentu arah lah pusat graviti aku kan . haha !
Syok gilaa ! Skank aku dah atasi banyak ketakutan aku .
Aku betul2 having fun lepas kan tension ! :D

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Nie pulak photo masa ktorg dah gila2 . masuk air la kata kan . Memang kat air pun .
Well ktorg pusing pool nie dah brape kali ntah . Berbekalkan pelampung yang ktorg amek sape punya tah . haha ! Ktorg memang camni . Masa pusing2 nie , masing2 balas dendam . Mula2 aku and faiq naik , Udin bawak jela ktorg along the way sampai patah balik tempat asal . Then aku pulak bawak dorg . Apa laagi , disebabkan Udin dah kena kan aku bawak tempat yg air kena tepat kat muka , aku pulak bawak dorg , aku terbalik kan pelampung sampai dorg jatuh ! ahaha .
Larat jugak ek aku . hehe .

Tempat yang sama .
Tapi nie aku nak cte yg ktorg pergi surf :) hehe .
Game air nie macam ni , ktorg kena meniarap atas satu bnde nie , then slide dari tempat yg TINGGI gilaa ! Sumpah tinggi . Then ktorg nak lumba sape smpai dulu !
Haha ! Udin menang mula2 ! then ak last , so its okay , kali kedua , naik lagi !
Sebab nie antara game air yg paling tak boleh lupa ! Nampak je seram tapi BEST sgt !
Yeah ! kali kedua org berkulit hitam taktao sape , (sblh aku) punya la slide laju ! second faiq kot . Udin last ! haha ! Aku nak lagi ! XD
Then ktorg naik slide yg bentuk phyton . Okay la kot . Tak mencabar sgt ;)

*photo has been removed*

& nie yang paling sedih , we have to go back . Pukul 6 lebih dah enjoy ~ :(
Takpe , aku AKAN pergi lagi sekali ! :) okay ~!? kali nie aku nk pergi dengan kawan2 !
At least aku ada exp :) Woot ! Kalau panjang umur , aku nak cuba semua !
EXCEPT for the haunted house . haha ! tak berani ahh .

Okay la, that's all . Tak panjang kan ? aku dah summarise kan :)
No words to describe how much I enjoyed the day ! XD

Sunday, May 29, 2011

It seems totally not right

Hey man ,
what have you did to me?
you made me love you. It is totally not right !
Something has gone wrong between you and I.
I just can't love you .
Stay away from me .
But I have something to tell you,
Thanks for spending some of your time with me.
For making me smile, made me laugh ,
I love it when you give me the cute look of yours ^^
Sigh . I'm afraid I can't love you . So do you .
Thus, just don't make me feel special being with you .
I adore you and that is all I can do.


Well well well ,
hari ni cakap bahasa melayu je kot ,
sebab takde mood nak cakap bahasa inggeris yang bersepah,
Hari ni kiranya hari kedua cuti pertangahan tahun .
Aku still tak rasa apa-apa masa cuti .
Yang aku dapat cuma mimpi yang tak sudah2 buatkan aku rasa macam dah nak sampai ajal.
Seterusnya , aku bet ramai gila yang rasa lega after exam nie . So do I .
Tapi aku cuma masih terikat dengan result exam yang tak habis-habis menghantui aku.
Terima kasih banyak2 terutama Accounts. Terima kasih sebab tak suka aku!
Sebab aku pun tak suka kau .
Hari ni aku tanak cakap banyak sebab aku perasan post aku kebelankangan nie macam tak boleh blah panjangnya . Aku try summarise kan apa yang aku nak cakap even mmg banyak gila content aku nk cakap .

So , ni semua pandangan aku pasal exam ,
*part nie korang tak baca pun takpe*

BM > i was just trying my best masa buat karangan , yang lain semua okay. Tapi aku tahu sangat2 aku takkan dapat B ,jauh sekali A. tu janji cikgu . Cikgu kata cikgu boleh bagi paling banyak pun 65.
BI > aku sendiri tak ingat macam mana kertas dia. So, no comment. Aku cuma ingat yang kertas nie lebih senang daripada kertas BM , aku tak kata senang . Aku kata lebih senang daripada BM .
Mathematics > Well , aku memang target tinggi untuk Maths sebab soalannya senang, so kalau tak dapat A, tak tahu lah , tawakkal saja .
Agama > Alhamdulillah semua okay , cuma aku tak buat yang terbaik je , aku tahu aku banyak buat salah sampai tak terkira . Tawakkal jugak .
Sejarah> No comment saja . Cannot get an A , thank you .
Biology > Kertas yang macam tuuuut je , okay lah kot , part graph tu aku buat silap , memang tuuuut . Agak susah .
Chemistry > Rasanya yang paling senang antara 3 kertas sains tulen kot . kan?
Physics > ENTAH . Aku dah buat yang terbaik . Paper 2 just put a smile on my face but not paper 1 .
Accounts > ouh yeah , kertas paling "SENANG" sekali . terima kasih sebab buat aku separuh mati !
Add Maths > Sangat tenang buat kertas nie , I just love you add maths ,bukan setakat love , malah , aku dah buktikan aku boleh score kau ! ^_^ And I already know what's my marks ^^ Alhamdulillah sangat !

Gambar atas neyh meggambarkan perasaan aku sebelum and selepas exam ,
boleh conclude sendiri kan ?
Just imagine lah duduk dalam telur tu , kena kurung , otak pun tak byk explore benda luar ,
macam katak kat bawah tempurung , kan ?
Sekarang dah bebas , telur dah pecah , aku sekarang dah hilang ke mana . Haha .
Sejak habis exam sampai hari nie , aktiviti aku sikit sangat .
Selain tidur , aku tengok tv sepuas puasnya , online sepuasnya ,
tgk showdown 2011 kat sebab masa exam terlepas nak tgk ,
tgk oh my school yang dah ketinggalan 4 ep ,
dgar lagu yang memang gian nak dengar ,
tgk B.O.F semalam sampai pukul 3 pagi sampai lagu ost dia pun dah stuck on my head !
lepas tu tgk match MU dengan Barcelona sampai habis .
Memang syok la kan hidup aku. hahaa. That's all . Aku harap aku tak cakap byk ,
so , those yang baca , thank you so much sebab luangkan masa untuk baca walaupun tak menarik ^^

Thursday, May 5, 2011

You Are The Reason

Dear , thanks for lighten up my day today even though you were neither saying a word nor approaching me . It is enough that you noticed me just now. All I ever wanted is to see you smile. It's been a very long period since we last met. I realize that I still love you. I can't lie to myself, and I know that . I want you to know that you are the reason I keep on studying and you are the only reason I am still single . The pict above describe my feelings. You help me to achieve success. I still hold my promise to let studies become my priority. I am not looking forward to you, don't get me wrong . I just having a feeling of missing someone that had left a tons of precious memories with me. None can replace you.

You've changed me a lot.
If you are back to be mine again, it's a bonus of life for me.
Yes friend , you made my day :')

Special Thursday

I love TODAY's life ! :D
Guess la why ? haha . Just because I went for tuition classes only !
I just love Thursday's tuition ! ^^ Seriously i don't even know why ^^
Let me tell you about today's.
Well today I went for physics tuition at 1430 to 1630 ,
My first thought when i just enter the class , I was like , 'Am I in the right class ? Err .'
FYI pun, that was my first time going physics class on Thurs cause usually I go on Mon .
Everyone in the class is chinese boy . Not even a girl when I reached in . None at all .
Chinese pulak . I was so embarassed kot masa tu but what so ever lah .
Things that makes me happy was, I was at the back of the class (not too far)
I was enjoying physics because the situation in there was TOTALLY SILENCE .
Sir taught us to answer the Midyear Exam Paper . So , tell me lah who in the world is unhappy if they can really understand the kind-of-hard subject ? ^__^ Then I get notes sum more.

Done with that , tonight which is still in the same day, I went for my FIRST Modern Mathematics class in Bukit Tinggi . Know what ? Everybody seems to communicate with me in Mandarin today. Haha ! That makes me laugh but I still can hold that laugh ^^ . A chinese girl at my left was talking to my right one . Then I know she sounds like wanna exchange places with me . Then she spoke Mandarin to me. And I was like nodding and got up from my chair and change with her . That's cool man . She's not even noticing that I am Malay so she kept asking me Maths questions in Mandarin . And I replied in English . Sorry ya ^__^
Not just that lah , the girl right behind me is a chinese too. There was a time she dropped her calculator and asked me to pick it up for her . I was looking at her and again Mandarin comes to this pair of ears. Haha ! Then I took her calculator and gave her . I act as if I'm chinese and nodding like ------ . Still did not notice me . haha . But it's okay lah . I get used to it since I was young. Haha .I forgive y'all :) I was having fun lah tonite . Lol . Can't stop thinking about that either .

In a nutshell ,I was totally enjoyed the night tuition rather than evening one. I can keep focus and concentrate very well at night . I was so in love going for tuition :) Well I have made a decision to compact as many classes as possible on THURSDAY ! :) Physics, Add Maths and Modern maths on Thurs . Hell yeah . I am going to be insane ^_^ haha !
So that I can arrange my daily routines easier now if I compact all like that , kan ? ^_^
So that's all for this Special Thursday . I'm about to complete my school works pulak ! ^_^

p/s : Do vote for ECX in Showdown yeah ! SD ECX ! I love y'all...!!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ceritera Karnival Ko-akademik 2011

Assalamualaikum ! :)
Hari ni, hari ni, hari ni , kan kan kan :)
Ada karnival ko akademik tau tau tau .
Tak tau sudah :) Hari ni semangat nak datang . Tak tahu kenapa .
Hari ni mula2 datang sekolah terus beratur macam biasa kat bahagian kelas masing2 .
Seperti yang aku sedia maklum , Liyana , Aishah and Nadhrah tak datang .
So aku menunggu lah kehadiran Adlina , Nadhirah dan Aliah ,
memandangkan Fatin sedang bertugas pada pagi tadi ^^
Aku pun semangat kot buka buku akaun , revise kejap sebab berkobar-kobar nak masuk kuiz .
Hehe .
Sampai Chapter 3 . Senang rupanya akaun so far , hehe .
Aku yang pening2 kan kepala putar belit info selama nie . Haha .
Pastu Aliah pun approach lah aku . Terus cerita pasal sorang budak yang nama Ah Chong kat fb .
Haha . Kelakar doe .

Pas habis sesi perhimpunan , aku nampak Aliah dah pegi surau. Aku nak masuk pun camne , tak pakai tudung , malu nya =.= Then aku ambil keputusan untuk lepak dengan nadhirah and Adlina . Kami pegi breakfast di kantin ^^ Sambil2 tu sama2 lah study akaun Bab 1 samapi Bab 3 . Fuhh ! Best ! Small study group :) sambil makan . haha . masuk otak pulak la kan .
Pastu kami bergerak ke 5E . Masuk untuk kuiz akaun . Aku masuk pun sebab nak test nasib , yelaa kan , orang lemah akaun nak try nasib . haha ! Then pindah kelas sebelah sebab nak asingkan form 4 . So the quiz began at 8.30 am . Mula2 aku terkejut jugak lah tengok Cik Faridah tulis kat whiteboard yang kuiz tu 1 jam . Aku pun macam nih >>>> =o= takkan lah ?
Teka Silang kata je kot ? SO tak pe lah . Dah dapat kertas semua , cikgu kata cikgu amik kira sape hantar cepat and jawapan tepat . Aku pun buat lah selaju mungkin . Baca soalan , tulis jawapan . Jawab2 semua , aku dah siap pukul 8.34am(tgk jam) . WTH ? hehe . Aku cari cikgu , cikgu tkde . Aku tnggu lah cikgu masukk . tengok2 Asvini dah hantar dulu pegi kat cikgu . Ceh , geram nya ! takpe lah . Btw dapat no 2 pun dah kira okay :) dapat hadiah. hehe .
Then aku tunggu Ad siapkan . Ad cuma tak dapat jawab satu soalan je . Sayangg sangat .
Aku cakap ad, aku nak bgtau bole tak ? Dia geleng . Last2 aku bg clue . Ntah apa2 dia merepek tadi . haha . ktorg pun gelak2 . Cik Faridah tak kasi aku stay sebab da siap tapi aku nak tnggu Ad jugak . hehe .

Lets go on to the next activity . Sekarang pergi kantin . Aku and Nadhirah buat homework , Ad bersiap2 untuk Pertandingan pakaian tradisional . AD ! KAU LAWA , KAU FAHAM TAK ?!
Haha . Tak habis2 cakap 'gemuk gemuk gemuk' :)
Pas dah habis pertandingan tu , berkumpul lah kami kat Dataran Bestari .
Aku nak cut it short bole ? penat . hehe .
Penyampaian hadiah start pukul 12 . Punya lama tunggu sampai hilang mood aku . Nasib baik dapat hadiah , happy ckit . hehe .
Tapi perkara yang paling menggembirakan aku HARI NI ialah, ,
kumpulan aku menang kuiz add Maths !! Yaww , Walaupun first runner up je , tapi seriously aku terkejut . Puas sangatt ! hehe , sebab kalahkan budak pandaii :) Sumpah aku tak expect menang pun , kalau korang tgk kertas soalan tu , menggigil tau buat . haha . Alhamdulillah menang jugak :) SYukur2 ~

Btw penyampaian hadiah ditangguhkan hari lain . mungkin isnin ni . Sebab Pn Fauziah kata keadaan tak mengizinkan . Cikgu kata muka ktorg dah tertekan dan penat sangat ! Haha , kelakar lah ! Prihatin nya cikgu . terima kasih ye cikgu . :) Dah la . Semua balik :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Something that you don't have to bother

Hello there . Tomorrow is Wednesday . Must wear uniform. I always forgot to wear band attire. Idk what's wrong with me. Back to the purpose I write this blog . Well actually I got so many postponed-homeworks especially Biology. But do I look like I care? Huh . I can't stand it lahh .
Even the report that shoul have been submitted also I haven't do. Let it be. I don't want to talk much today as I got so many works to do.

Badminton . Yeah , i think I'd never stop posting about this. I ain't excited to the continuous practice , but i guess it's already in my schedule even though the competition was over. To cut it short, I have to go for the practice that have been arranged by the teacher twice a month. Thank God it's twice A MONTH . Hehe . Band practice sum more . I want competition. But then all the outcomers always invite us for doing performances. But it's not bad though. Tamak pulak faiqah.

One more thing, my dad baru saja masuk hospital dua tiga hari yang lepas kerana demam denggi . Sekarang aku cuma boleh berdoa dari jauh supaya ayah cepat sembuh dan dikembalikan kesihatan yang baik. Nak lawat pun tak boleh sebab sibuk dengan sekolah punya plan and tuition schdule yang sedang diatur sebaik baik mungkin so that takde yang ponteng lagi . Tak ada masa nak lawat . Thus , this coming Thurs , I m not going to school as I'll be going for a medical check up that morning , so I may go tothe hospital to visit my dad .
*I once known as Daddy's little girl :) , but no more as I gorwn up*

Sum more I 'missed' most of lessons in school ed . I don't know how to cover them all!
Please lahh sum1 , help me ! I missed the the whole week's lessons ! And now I just come to school and get ready to be 'blurred' up with all those lessons that I haven't learn . Face 'em .
Pity me aite ? Now I've got to catch up all those lessons ! Fast ! I have to be a fast learner for this April . Ya Allah, tolonglah hambaMu ini. Permudahkanlah segala urusan pembelajaranku ! Amin.
Liyana Izam , sama-sama kita try our best kay ? You can always refer to me if you got any problem in your lessons except for physics and acc . I need sum time to self-study it . And , I'll do the same to you too :) Show 'em even if we have missed a lot of classes , we are still the same and never put badminton sebagai alasan :D

p/s : Lil'weirdo is looking forward to the mid year exam and she can't wait to let herself being tested with the coming insane questions especially essay question ! haha . *even she's not ready to face it* Hey I m going to do my hw ! :) just kidding . Let it be aite ? I m going to arrange my books for tomoro's sch . Salam sayang <3

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Badminton Comp in memories ~

badminton competition . i thought i wanna post this right after i reach home but , as y'all know , we've got so exhausted ! I was very excited for the competition . Not even nervous because I am so grateful to have such GREAT experience with NEW friends :)
Tak risau langsung pasal competition , walaupun training bagai nak gilaa , every week b4 the comp , kalau boleh selitkan jugak masa terluang tu dengan practice badminton. Tak expect menang pun . But actually we can win this . ^^' Happy sangat sebab dapat kawan baru .

For those Liyana Izam, Lee Sewphin, Sofia Helenna, Arul Moli and Rogini, I miss y'all during lepak-ing at teluk Gadong Hall ! Rindu ~ I miss Rogini the most ! I still remember when we went out buying for their drinking water, we walked . Haha ! Miss that MUCH ! Eh don't forget to teach us Physics ! Korang kann pandai . 5Dedikasi kann . Ktorg ponteng tuition physics sebab korang .hehe .

Not to forget , thanks to Fatin Hanz, Adlil Khaliq, Wawan Sawan, Adlina Ad ,,, and especially to Ezad Aiman . Thank you so much for spending your time for us , trained us ,
Sorry sangat2 Ezad sebab paling kerap ajak awak . Haha ! Thanks budak.

*photo has been removed*

Caption : In the ladies , preparing for our match that morning . Gyaaah ! :D But Zoe was in the toilet changing clothes . Too bad she's not in the pict. (Day 2)

p/s : miss Arul's annoying jokes . "Eh saya comel lah !" :D Haha .
Or, "Eh Sofia , you look cute la in the picture .." then suddenly only she added , "..sometimes"
hahaha ! Everyone was laughing non stop . She's really a good friend .

Caption : Detik2 kemenangan first match against KISAS . Arul and Sofia .

Last match of that day pun . Ramai dah balik :)
Cheers for them ! :D
Dorang memang hebat pun .
Tapi sayangnya , dorang kalah against SMKRP .
I heard that the SMKRP school players won the badminton comp at state level .
Patut lah pun~ Takpe lah . Korang the best ! :D

*photo has been removed*

Caption : well , masa ni team lawan nk serve tapi aku pulak tak ready . Malu jee . haha !
So terpaksa lah raise your hand up in the air ~ haha . jkjk ! :)

Memang saje je nk psycho team lawan . Don't have to rush laa kan . Biar lambat2.
Nampak partner aku yg semangat tu ? :) Liyana Izam.
Idk why , masa mula2 kita main and lawan sape2 , kita selalu ada teamwork , persefahaman.
But , lately , masa nk dekat2 comp , kita asyik2 takde kerjasama .
Idk what happened . Hmm takpelah . Spending time with u pun dah cukup .
Kalau bukan sebab badminton , rasanya kita bukan rapat gila camtu kot :)
Miss you ~
Tak sabar nk masuk tahun depan .

Caption : Norfarin Asfa a.k.a karate kid .

Arul bagi nama tu . Kesian dia. Hehe ,
Aku suka budak nie . Form 1 wehh . Hebat . Dia against budak bukit Kuda form 3!
Even she lost to that school , dia sangat hebat . Believe me .
Aku respect dia sebab dia terror 'backhand' and dia aggrressive :) macam Arul .
Budak yg agak2 masuk air. Tak lekang lawak dia kalau dengan dia :D

Last but not least, Lee Sewphin , match paling last .
She against STK , form 6 . Dia paling terror antara kami 12 orang . Kira senior lahh .
Dia ajar macam2 . So dia kalah pun bermaruah :)
Tabik springgg la Sewphin! :D

Sunday, March 27, 2011

I can't feel my leg

Kawan ,

adakah korang akan 'back up' saya kalau saya dibenci oleh orang lain ?
atau dituduh oleh orang lain ?
atau diperli oleh orang lain ?
atau apabila tiada siapa yang percaya saya lagi ?
atau apabila orang lain kutuk belakang saya ?

Atau korang biarkan saya sorang2 .. ?
Mungkin sertai mereka yang tidak sukakan saya ?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

apa ? come again ? louder . ohh !

Align Center

I heard that La Salle is going to organize the IU Day .
I want to go but something stops me .
I don't have the partricular attire . So don't bother .
I am going out with my cousins tho on that day , 2nd April yeah :D
And celebrating someone's birthday too :)
It has been so long since I met you cousins ! :)
Can't wait for that day :) gyaaa !

It's finally friday, dear . Faham tak ?
Now only can breathe calmly ~
A week of rushing works. What happened ?
Wednesday was the day of taking-the-SPM-result day .
Most of my teachers who's teaching my class did not enter .
D*MN boring (!) What point pun I came to school .
Plus , my team were not presenting any sejarah presentation .
Seriously man , what is the point ? Weds can be excused .
But the rest ? haihh .. teachers . . I was planning not to go to school before .
Saje je kenn ;( Takpe la . Terima kasih banyak2 .

MGS band ?
I have no longer interest in you band , I am soory .
I felt like I'm being used . Hmm .
I do not expect any compliments or appreciation , seriously not .
I've got one of the highest position in band .
But you know what ? I feel like I'm useless .
Macam orang melayu cakap , "melukut di tepi gantang" lah kan .
Fine laa .. I'm still hold my intention to help mgsband and naikkan nama band .
Takde niat lain , terima kasih banyak banyak .

SPM candidates ,
sangat sangat gerun dengar keputusan dorang . Sangat takut !
Aku paling tak boleh dengar ada orang tu dapat 10A 1 F ! WTH eh ?
Cikgu pun cakap , sekarang dah tak pandang lah A nie . Semua pandang A+ .
Gilaa tak gilaa ? Stress woot !

Badminton case ,
cikgu , I'm sorry to say this but please stop being so annoying teacher .
Just watch and learn . Memang lah we are new to this game .
If you were me , you know what I really meant .
Tolong lah ., haihh . dugaan betul .

Good news so far ? takde . "thanks"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Percutian Bestari ? "BOOOOO !"

Boooo ? by the way , that is not the main title for this post pun . Lama tak booooo-ing someone or something ~ :)

There are only 3 days before the school starts .
First question I asked myself today ,
"Percutian Bestari dah siap?"
Then keep on going with ,
"Oh crap ! My postponed homeworks !"
"Yeah right ! Sejarah presentation ! "
"Ahh ! Kasut belum basuh ! "

Staring at myself in the mirror , "you sucks!"

Apa khabar Program Percutian Bestari ?
"I'm just fine . BM , English , Maths , Chemistry and Add maths are having their sweetdreams .
Now I'm looking forward to my employer to finish up the rest 5 'screaming-papers' .
I don't know when is she going to settle it ." :O

How are you, postponed homeworks ?
"I'm sick ! AHh ! I can't breathe . Help me ! I can only live for another 3 days ! Help . .
Save my children! Chemistry asked you to finish up notes . Please settle the agama homeworks too . By the way , karangan also keep screaming your name to write him ! Oh yeah , accounts has so much trouble . Go and help them . I can survive if you save them . SOS ! please . . "

Sejarah assignment , gengki desu ka?
"Okonawa remasu . Kansha shimasu . Watashi wa subete ga sono purezeneshon no hi ni bisaina koto o kitai . :)

So done with that . I am so not enjoying my one week holiday !
But there's certain things that are differ from my daily routines .
I never expect that I can wake up early ! :D I'm excited duh ,
This whole week , I woke up as early as 8 am . wah ! :) and start doing homeworks after I had my bath . Gila tak gila ?
Dulu kalau bangun pagi masa cuti2 nie pun paling awal aku bangun pukul 11am . Haha !
Memang nuts ! ;D Syukur ~

[[[[[[[[[[[last but not least , I won at the 5th place for merentas desa , yaww ! :) Idk what happened to blue house team . Perhaps most of them absent :( Ohh not to forget , Netball comp , blue house team was the first runner up ! :D haha . never expect that weyh ^_^ I was the C before I changed to WA ! ]]]]]]]]]]]

Blue house : insyaallah dapat markah koko dgn beberapa sumbangan kpd rumah biru . belum annual sports day lagii :)

Japanese club : yeah we're having a camp and soran bushi dance , insyaallah jugak dapat markah tinggi untuk koko sebab aktiviti luar sekolah .

Badminton club : Yeah for sure dapat markah walaupun tak byk .sebab represents school for the badminton comp ! :D menang tak menang , belakang kira . tapi nak menang ! ^^

MGS Band : Insyaallah jugak dapat markah sebab slalu banyak dapat invite dari luar . Yet , I'm looking forward to the Selangor Comp . I want to join formation ! :D

Academics cases : Malu nak cakap tp disebabkan bangga dengan hasil usaha utk budak hingusan yang baru masuk form 4 nie , sukacitanya aku cuma dapat no 8 dalam kelas , with 8A's a B and a C . Don't need to mention kay about + or - ^^" tak penting . Purata 1.50 je , sangat puas hati walaupun ramai lagi power purata dorang . Tapi nie aku punya cte, skati aku lah kan nak bangga ke , nak batak ke kan ? :D haha . just kidding . A great new starts yaww . Alhamdulillah .
No markah budak tadika . You can go on with your journey Faiqah !
Good luck !

That's all . toodles .

Alhamdulillah , sangat berpuas hati sebab akademik & kokurikulum dah balance ^_^

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Terms of 'finally' for every single thing I've done

Well come on .
take a smile, friends :)

Alhamdulillah , I am enjoying my day lately ;)
Less depression , more relaxation .

I've got back all my first monthly tests' papers with various marks .
So far so good ? :)
I got only 6A's , 3B's and a C , excluded Sivik and PJK .
Not bad for a new start for form 4's life .
But still , it's not enough . hehe .
A teacher once told me that 70+ is an A- but all my friends said that it's a B .
So I take it as B lah :)

The next thing that put a smile on my face is Add Maths lesson .
I've been struggling for the past 2 days on Quadratic Function as I haven't learn it in ET .
So I was like trying and trying .
Still haven't got the idea on solving it ,
plus I've got a family prob that time , so I cried .
Well lately , I can solve all the questions like in a very short time .
I enjoyed teaching my friends,too :D

Last but definitely not least ,
It is about the badminton competition ,yeah .
For those who have read Liyana's blog , then they know what I'm going to talk about :)
Well me and Liyana of course ,
had defeated Sofea Helena and her partner in the final election .
I am excited to the maximum yaww :D
Actually Sofea has been replaced with Arul Moli because she had Qiamullail .
Arul is greater than Sofea , don't get me wrong ,
I mean , Arul is a professional player , so in a better way , she's better la .
haha .
Once teacher told us that Arul will replace Sofea,
Then I just , "oh sh*t!!"
Then I was like , fine la , it's not fair , man ! If they win the game , I dont care cause I know I can never defeat Arul .
So I just played as usual like nothing to be afraid of .
But then I was surprised that Liyana and I had won the game !
AAh ! Can't believe this :)
We lead a 21-18 . *saingan sengit !

*well , sebenarnya nak batak upload gambar borang tp malas . hehe .
Wish us luck for MGS yaww ! I just worried cause Liyana and I are new to this game .
Seriously we have so much things to learn .
That's all .
So , all these three things make me smile every single day :D


Heart's Talk