Monday, July 11, 2011

Runners Gathering ? :)

*photo has been removed*

Well ye ye ye, tauu .
Dah lama tak post . Haha . Even ada banyak cerita best tapi tak sempat nak post.
Kata pun best , mana lah nak ngat nak post kan :)

Okay lahh. Let bygones be bygones.
Hari ni punya cerita :) Okay .
Sekarang pukul 3.20pm and I just got home.
Tahu dari mana? Kami dari Aeon Bukit Tinggi :) yeah How lucky .
Hari ni Miss Helen Sim whom Blue House's teacher this year ,belanja kami makan McD ^_^
And yes , cikgu dah tunaikan janji :)
Before kami lari 4 by 400m on that sports day, masing masing takut.
Jaclyn dgn Michelle dah penat sebab dah byk lari before that.
So Mimi and I je kena tolong. then Miss Helen Sim datang, calm us down.
Macam tahun-tahun sebelum ni, Mimi mesti pengsan lepas lari.
So, kali ni Mimi cakap cikgu, kalau dia tak pengsan, cikgu belanja makan :) haha.
Finally memang Mimi tak pengsan, dia cuma pitam2 je. Caya lahh ! :)

Apa yang kurang best cuma tu lahh,
I'm the only form 4 . So Michelle kata ak sesat , haha .
Ok fine ^^" Memang . Lagipun ak memang dah takde kawan pun.
Nasib baik Michelle ada . Dgn org yg byk ckp n bg semangat, takde la ak bosan:)
Ohh btw, thanks to Jaclyn sbb bg taktik n strategy utk lari long distance .
You're the second one yg bg taktik after Amanina :) hehe.
Tak kisah la, ak mmg tauu biru menang sbb tgk la pun ak lari dgn siapa kan.
Athlete kan :) Terasa rendah je diri ak masa tuh. haha.
And finally memang menang pun :) Champion ! :D

So today is day. Teacher treated us MCD .
Lepas habis sekolah tadi Miss Helen brought us to Aeon .
Throughout the journey, mmg Michelle tak berhenti2 bercakap. Haha.
Kelakar la dia. Sadly , next year dia dah keluar sekolah.
Michelle and Jaclyn tak habis2 berdebat dalam kereta, sampai Miss Helen cakap,
"Faiqah , you don't let them scare you." haha ! What the.. ?
Memang scared pun sbb ak form 4 ! ^^"
And hari ni jugak lah ak first time makan burger kat McD.
Tak pernah2 makan, tp terpaksa la. Takkan nk cerewet pulak ^^"

On our way back home, Michelle and Jaclyn bual2 dengan cikgu pasal SPM.
Aku pasang telinga jela kan , :) YES , Michelle kalau bercakap, tak pernah nak kalah,
haha ! Kesian Jaclyn . Diorang cakap pasal addmath and accounts.
Seronok ahh ^_^ And the sad thing was,
Michelle kept asking me who is going to be the blue house captain next year .
She's kinda worry about this, gila responsible lahh dia .
She's asking me like , quite many times since sports day lagi.
Then ak cakap la maybe Eliana, or t could be Shwu Ling .
But she kept refusing ~ No no no no ,.
Hmm . Kesian . And she asked me to find 3 peoples for 4 by 400m next year ! ;P pfft .
Siapa nak ? Ingat senang nak cari ? Dahla Priya dah pindah sekolah :(
And paling terkejut , dia suruh ak dapatkan at least 30 points for rumah biru macam dia n Jaclyn , uh . Siapa ak nie nak jadi hebat cam dorang . .argh . .
Macam wasiat pulak ! haha !
But I would like to give a try next year :)

Tu jela kot cerita hari ni. Yeay :) I'm happy !
Instead of being stressed all the time with studies ~ =.='

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