Thursday, February 10, 2011

Here comes the weirdo ~ advice of the day^^

The picture above has nothing to do with what I am going to talk on today's post :)
It is just , for you i guess ^^

Well actually I am now doing my homeworks . What ? oh yeah , it's so obvious that I am not focus on it tho. gyaaa XD
I am not in the mood to date you , dear homeworks . Sorry ! ^^'

Alright , for those who does not know that tomorrow is Friday , well yeah , It's Friday !
Uh , ==' Am I just being redundant ? pfft . The day which I waited for sooo long since the school was JUST started few past days . haha . It's finally reach weekend ! Duhh , I felt soo weird acting like this , ==' *it's not acting btw . Idk . Whatever ^_^

Gahhhh ! Know what ? FINALLY ! Finally , I am so in love with accounts . haha .
There comes the weirdo againn .. Aite . So far my add maths went so smooth .
No probs , insyaAllah ~

Well I am supposed to talk about Mrs Tan's story . Usually it's a story with lessons in it :)
Love and totally eager to listen to her ^^ Oh ! Before that , I Love You , Mrs Tan ! XD

Hari ni dia cerita pasal seorang pelajar perempuan,17, yang bunuh diri .
I am sorry . I am kind of new to the story . Perhaps you guys already know about the news .
She committed suicide . Memang ah Capital O-M-G .
Kesian kot . Menurut kata Mrs Tan , she's sweet , and apa entah yang related to good attitudes la . Katanya , cikgu dia pun cakap dia well-behave . Tapi setelah disiasat , perkara yang sebaliknya pula berlaku dalam facebook dia . Dia broke up kot sampai sedih gilaa .
Entah apa yang merasuk minda dia buat hal yang out of the world .
Haihh .
Orang sakit semua minta nyawa , kita yang sihat ni senang senang je bunuh diri .
Tapi kesian la kat dia . Mungkin she is out of control kot . Emosi dia mengawal diri dia .

The moral of the story is , Mrs Tan pun ada cakap ,
kalau berlaku apa-apa, janganlah sampai bunuh diri . Even if we lost our virginity sekalipun .
Kata Mrs Tan begitulah . Aku men-translate je . And , aku paling tertarik pada ungkapan Mrs Tan yang mengatakan ,

"Let say kalau kamu semua failed dalam hubungan kamu sebelum ini dan berjumpa pula dengan orang yang kamu betul betul suka ,,, Ingat satu je . 'Kesian pada suami kamu' "

Well I hold with her sayings . Sangat sangat memberi maksud yang mendalam .
That affects me tauuuu . Kesian kan husband kita nanti . Imagine la kita jalan2 dengan husband kita dan kemudian terserempak dengan ex bf pulak . Amacam ?
Lebih2 lagi kalau dia tegur , "Eh, awak pakai lagi kasut yang saya beli tu?"
Yeah lebih kurang macam tu la Mrs Tan cakap .
Soooo , what do think about your husband's feeling ? Kesian kann ? Hmm .

Haa I am not trying to influence nor prohibit my dear friends to break up or terminate or ... you know what I'm trying to say . . ^^'
No, I am totally NOT ! Don't get me wrong , please .
I was just got motivated by my teacher's kinda-advice . :)

And yeah one more thing , Mrs Tan reminds us not to give or tell everything about what you have (faham2 sendiri) to those guys laaa, either to your acquaintances or not , whatever it is , PLEASE , Do Not do such things like that ! BECAUSE . .
100 % wan they(the boys) will tell EVERYONE about it .
Macam sharing is caring la konon kann .. :/ Huuuuu .. Scary ~
Be careful okay girls .

So , if you don't know what to do in your life ,
Just , DO ADD MATHS because Add Maths is the easiest subject in the world which you can solve it easily , faster and it's enjoyable thing to kill your time with . ^^'
Haha ! Kann ?
By the wayy , please okay, kawan kawan sekalian .
'Do take good care of yourselves' . Faham ?
Macam Ahmad Nazri Ahmad kata, satu ayat , bukan satu makna :)
Korang pandai kan ? So , that's all for today's post .
I am going to continue my homeworks . gyahahaha !
My homeworks keep shouting at me to complete him . haha !
I'm sick of you la ^^"

p/s : oral minggu depan ke ? :/ urgh .

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