Wednesday, September 30, 2009

sad one::kimi sad..see the side..oh no...cant believe it..the left one is quares..right one is gemok..

but! the middle one , kimi , just dead this morning..i thought she can live long...

but i was wrong .. she was too kind to my family..this kitten was the best one. last die makan mase aku pas mndi..ak bg die mkan..
tu la last die mkan..tgh mlm tu, die mati..sape x sdeyh klaw something yg kte sgt2 sayang da mati..

kimi..nape tinggalkan ak..ak slalu borak2 ngn ko...seblom ko mati, nnek da mndi kn ko..ak x sngke lak ko mati mlm td gak..u noe wat.. u make us proud of u, lil kitten..
pas kejadian nie, ak btol2 sayang quares n gemok..pasni ak x sanggup lg kehilangan way...
tp klaw da ajal..hmm...

mmg ak admit ak xnk tgk korank besar cz x chomell xpe la..pas peristiwa nie, no..both of u have to live long..u all are my fmily..dont 4get that..kimi, even u're not longer here..kte orang kt cnie paling sayang kt ko..jgn lupe kte orang..aku x tao la nk crik pengganti ko cmne cz..ak rse ko la stu stunye kucing yg ak xkan jmpe lg pengganti nye pasni..hmm...klaw la mse ley patah blek..mlm tu aku akn jge ko..tdo ngn ko..never let u go..
tp nk bwat cmne..malang x berbau..da ajal ko..pape pown, kimi, quares n gemok..i love u all so much more than i love my own self..KORANK SANGAT2 LA PENTING DLM IDOWP AK..KLAW XDE KORANK, SEMANGAT AKU HILANG........
muaacckkkkss.................!!!!!!!!!! to u gurls..luv u much!!

till then..gtg. salam .

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

i'm new

helo.........moshi moshi~
i'm new there's nothing much to say..
i just create this blog only personal for my ownself..
so, i hope this blog might help me to let my probs out..
so that i can feel the freedom . . i've got s much to tell but not now..

so hope got tomorrow for me..(21 guns)

Heart's Talk