Sunday, March 27, 2011

I can't feel my leg

Kawan ,

adakah korang akan 'back up' saya kalau saya dibenci oleh orang lain ?
atau dituduh oleh orang lain ?
atau diperli oleh orang lain ?
atau apabila tiada siapa yang percaya saya lagi ?
atau apabila orang lain kutuk belakang saya ?

Atau korang biarkan saya sorang2 .. ?
Mungkin sertai mereka yang tidak sukakan saya ?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

apa ? come again ? louder . ohh !

Align Center

I heard that La Salle is going to organize the IU Day .
I want to go but something stops me .
I don't have the partricular attire . So don't bother .
I am going out with my cousins tho on that day , 2nd April yeah :D
And celebrating someone's birthday too :)
It has been so long since I met you cousins ! :)
Can't wait for that day :) gyaaa !

It's finally friday, dear . Faham tak ?
Now only can breathe calmly ~
A week of rushing works. What happened ?
Wednesday was the day of taking-the-SPM-result day .
Most of my teachers who's teaching my class did not enter .
D*MN boring (!) What point pun I came to school .
Plus , my team were not presenting any sejarah presentation .
Seriously man , what is the point ? Weds can be excused .
But the rest ? haihh .. teachers . . I was planning not to go to school before .
Saje je kenn ;( Takpe la . Terima kasih banyak2 .

MGS band ?
I have no longer interest in you band , I am soory .
I felt like I'm being used . Hmm .
I do not expect any compliments or appreciation , seriously not .
I've got one of the highest position in band .
But you know what ? I feel like I'm useless .
Macam orang melayu cakap , "melukut di tepi gantang" lah kan .
Fine laa .. I'm still hold my intention to help mgsband and naikkan nama band .
Takde niat lain , terima kasih banyak banyak .

SPM candidates ,
sangat sangat gerun dengar keputusan dorang . Sangat takut !
Aku paling tak boleh dengar ada orang tu dapat 10A 1 F ! WTH eh ?
Cikgu pun cakap , sekarang dah tak pandang lah A nie . Semua pandang A+ .
Gilaa tak gilaa ? Stress woot !

Badminton case ,
cikgu , I'm sorry to say this but please stop being so annoying teacher .
Just watch and learn . Memang lah we are new to this game .
If you were me , you know what I really meant .
Tolong lah ., haihh . dugaan betul .

Good news so far ? takde . "thanks"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Percutian Bestari ? "BOOOOO !"

Boooo ? by the way , that is not the main title for this post pun . Lama tak booooo-ing someone or something ~ :)

There are only 3 days before the school starts .
First question I asked myself today ,
"Percutian Bestari dah siap?"
Then keep on going with ,
"Oh crap ! My postponed homeworks !"
"Yeah right ! Sejarah presentation ! "
"Ahh ! Kasut belum basuh ! "

Staring at myself in the mirror , "you sucks!"

Apa khabar Program Percutian Bestari ?
"I'm just fine . BM , English , Maths , Chemistry and Add maths are having their sweetdreams .
Now I'm looking forward to my employer to finish up the rest 5 'screaming-papers' .
I don't know when is she going to settle it ." :O

How are you, postponed homeworks ?
"I'm sick ! AHh ! I can't breathe . Help me ! I can only live for another 3 days ! Help . .
Save my children! Chemistry asked you to finish up notes . Please settle the agama homeworks too . By the way , karangan also keep screaming your name to write him ! Oh yeah , accounts has so much trouble . Go and help them . I can survive if you save them . SOS ! please . . "

Sejarah assignment , gengki desu ka?
"Okonawa remasu . Kansha shimasu . Watashi wa subete ga sono purezeneshon no hi ni bisaina koto o kitai . :)

So done with that . I am so not enjoying my one week holiday !
But there's certain things that are differ from my daily routines .
I never expect that I can wake up early ! :D I'm excited duh ,
This whole week , I woke up as early as 8 am . wah ! :) and start doing homeworks after I had my bath . Gila tak gila ?
Dulu kalau bangun pagi masa cuti2 nie pun paling awal aku bangun pukul 11am . Haha !
Memang nuts ! ;D Syukur ~

[[[[[[[[[[[last but not least , I won at the 5th place for merentas desa , yaww ! :) Idk what happened to blue house team . Perhaps most of them absent :( Ohh not to forget , Netball comp , blue house team was the first runner up ! :D haha . never expect that weyh ^_^ I was the C before I changed to WA ! ]]]]]]]]]]]

Blue house : insyaallah dapat markah koko dgn beberapa sumbangan kpd rumah biru . belum annual sports day lagii :)

Japanese club : yeah we're having a camp and soran bushi dance , insyaallah jugak dapat markah tinggi untuk koko sebab aktiviti luar sekolah .

Badminton club : Yeah for sure dapat markah walaupun tak byk .sebab represents school for the badminton comp ! :D menang tak menang , belakang kira . tapi nak menang ! ^^

MGS Band : Insyaallah jugak dapat markah sebab slalu banyak dapat invite dari luar . Yet , I'm looking forward to the Selangor Comp . I want to join formation ! :D

Academics cases : Malu nak cakap tp disebabkan bangga dengan hasil usaha utk budak hingusan yang baru masuk form 4 nie , sukacitanya aku cuma dapat no 8 dalam kelas , with 8A's a B and a C . Don't need to mention kay about + or - ^^" tak penting . Purata 1.50 je , sangat puas hati walaupun ramai lagi power purata dorang . Tapi nie aku punya cte, skati aku lah kan nak bangga ke , nak batak ke kan ? :D haha . just kidding . A great new starts yaww . Alhamdulillah .
No markah budak tadika . You can go on with your journey Faiqah !
Good luck !

That's all . toodles .

Alhamdulillah , sangat berpuas hati sebab akademik & kokurikulum dah balance ^_^

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Terms of 'finally' for every single thing I've done

Well come on .
take a smile, friends :)

Alhamdulillah , I am enjoying my day lately ;)
Less depression , more relaxation .

I've got back all my first monthly tests' papers with various marks .
So far so good ? :)
I got only 6A's , 3B's and a C , excluded Sivik and PJK .
Not bad for a new start for form 4's life .
But still , it's not enough . hehe .
A teacher once told me that 70+ is an A- but all my friends said that it's a B .
So I take it as B lah :)

The next thing that put a smile on my face is Add Maths lesson .
I've been struggling for the past 2 days on Quadratic Function as I haven't learn it in ET .
So I was like trying and trying .
Still haven't got the idea on solving it ,
plus I've got a family prob that time , so I cried .
Well lately , I can solve all the questions like in a very short time .
I enjoyed teaching my friends,too :D

Last but definitely not least ,
It is about the badminton competition ,yeah .
For those who have read Liyana's blog , then they know what I'm going to talk about :)
Well me and Liyana of course ,
had defeated Sofea Helena and her partner in the final election .
I am excited to the maximum yaww :D
Actually Sofea has been replaced with Arul Moli because she had Qiamullail .
Arul is greater than Sofea , don't get me wrong ,
I mean , Arul is a professional player , so in a better way , she's better la .
haha .
Once teacher told us that Arul will replace Sofea,
Then I just , "oh sh*t!!"
Then I was like , fine la , it's not fair , man ! If they win the game , I dont care cause I know I can never defeat Arul .
So I just played as usual like nothing to be afraid of .
But then I was surprised that Liyana and I had won the game !
AAh ! Can't believe this :)
We lead a 21-18 . *saingan sengit !

*well , sebenarnya nak batak upload gambar borang tp malas . hehe .
Wish us luck for MGS yaww ! I just worried cause Liyana and I are new to this game .
Seriously we have so much things to learn .
That's all .
So , all these three things make me smile every single day :D


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oh My Craps (!)

Sekarang tepat jam 11.o8 pm .
Not going to school tomorrow .
Seriously I have no mood to study .
No point one .
Like wasting time in there .
Idk since when I got no interest going to school .

Hari ini langsung takde mood sebab masalah family.
Mungkin aku ni dah banyak menyusahkan family aku kan .
Haihh . Yelah , semata-mata nak menurut kehendak aku .
Aku pulak nak kena menurut kehendak sekolah dan guru2 di sekolah ,
aku terpaksa jugak menyusahkan mama dengan ayah .
So what ? Bagi aku , aku berhak mintak apa-apa sahaja yang sekolah minta dari aku .
Aku berhak mintak dekat parents aku , kan ?
Habis tu ? Kalau aku tak mintak , asal lahirkan aku kat dunia nie ?
Aku tunaikan tanggungjawab aku sebagai pelajar .
Serius aku cakap , kalau aku tak dilahirkan kat dunia ni , aku tak susah kan mama dengan ayah kan ? Aku bukan pelajar apatah lagi anak . Tapi sekarang I'm already exist in this world .

Aku dah buat sehabis baik dalam pelajaran aku .
Tapi selama ini , aku buat yang terbaik dalam pelajaran pun sebab masa depan aku .
Aku tak pernah fikir pun aku belajar sampai ke puncak paling tinggi mana sekali pun untuk keluarga aku . Tak pernah terfikir .
Selama aku belajar , yang ada cuma aku , dengan akal yang Allah kurniakan .
Sama ada aku cemerlang atau ataupun aku bersengkang mata pada tengah malam ,
They won't care . They don't bother .
But guess what ? Bila suatu masa nanti , aku dah mula down ,
I mean , pelajaran aku dah start down , I bet 100 % they will scold me like hell .
Memang takdir kot .
Kadang-kadang aku fikir jugak tujuan aku dilahirkan .
Siang malam tunduk sujud minta hidayah dan petunjuk hidup .
Sometimes, aku senang terpengaruh .
Aku pun nak mengaku , dalam hati , banyak kali terlintas mengutuk kawan-kawan aku ,
family aku dan yang paling teruk , ibu bapa aku .
Mulut aku kira baik la jugak . Tapi hati JAHAT .

Cakap pasal mulut . Aku tak tahu lah aku bercampur dengan siapa sampai mulut aku ni selalu je terlepas kata-kata yang menyakitkan . Aku terikut-ikut gurauan senda yang kasar di sekeliling aku . Nak cakap salah aku sendiri , entah la . It might be . Aku tak suka macam ni .

Berbalik pada ketidakminatan aku untuk menghadiri sekolah ,
semua sebab kerja praktikal yang aku tangguhkan .
Tapi ditambah lagi dengan masalah family , makin tertekan aku .
Kalau cerita lebih detail ,
Aku sebenarnya dah missed class physics and I'm worried to the maximum
Sum more add maths I'm totally lost ! ;(

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's my routine again

Another four papers to go ! :)
Haven't got BM , Eng , PJK and Sivik .
Gahaha ! Eng paper totally get low marks one .
Don't have to expect getting A or a B la .
Whatever , I don't bother .
Whether my marks are low or good , I am still alive right ?
Just that yesterday I felt down cause of add maths .
So far ~~~~~ Uh , got a C which is Add maths and the rest A's . Syukur .
Grateful . Even a C didn't make me satisfy .
But it is enough I guess .
I already know how to adjust my time when doing add maths paper next time .
i'll practice more :)
Experience is the best teacher , aite ?

Well , done with that .
Tomorrow is going to be the election for the badminton comp .
So , just wish us luck .
Hope that lady-luck will shine on us tomorrow nite ;) amin .

This evening I got Jap dance . It is called Soran Bushi dance .
I had practising it before when I was in form 1 but I gotta stopped a while .
Then I came back to dance that Soran Bushi dance again :D
Wish I could catch the step up fast . It's not that hard .
Well , thanks to VeeVien la bcos
she's the one that taught me the first and the 2nd section .
Thank youuuu !
As I am in the Japanese Club , I or we will be performing on the Japanese Cultural Day,
which will be held in MGS itself and other schools have been invited along .
If I am not mistaken , the school form Shah Alam and kL will join us .
Jap club will hold a Jap Camp but haven't sure yet .
Can't wait ,dude ! ^__^

That's all for today's post ^^" haha

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Exam sheet vs exam sh*t

Let's begin with sigh , everyone ~
It's the getting-exam-marks week . Oh noOO (!)
My marks so far were bad , seriously bad like a bad injuries on my head =='
I had never feel down when getting marks . Actually , even I have not taken any marks also , everyone kept mentoning failed, failed, and failed all the time.
So , all those such things totally make me down even I was expecting a great marks when I was doing the paper before .
The depression is too high , dam* higher than the feeling during taking the exam sheets .
Oh my ! What happen deyy ?!
Well as for now , I've already got 4 papers . An A+ , syukur alhamdulillah , two A's and a A- .
The A- made me feel bad :( Physics lar :(

So tomorrow gonna get Add maths paper for sure . Perhaps Acc and Agama too .
I don't know what feeling should I express when getting back my add maths paper from Mr Ong .
Neither with smiling nor a gigling . duhh ==' never .
Kan dah merepek (!)

So , let's pray to Allah .
The PMR result has no meaning any more .
Just keep on moving with the new lesson . I know myself well and I know I can do it !
Just have to manage myself . It is easy to plan but I don't know whether it may works on me or not . Most probably , not .

Apa apa pun , yang aku tau , kalau first monthly test pun markah macam budak tadika , pls la Faiqah , your journey ends there . U have nothing to do . It's a very simple and basic question papers dear . No such thing like , 'susah la ' or 'ala baru first monthly test' atau yang lebih teruk , 'ala tahun nie bukannya SPM ' . DUHH ? Is that what you're thinking of ?
But I had to admit a thing that this year , all the teachers are very strict on giving marks . No markah kesian okay ? Even the answer was correct also they wouldn't give any such marks like half or somethin . IT'S A NO . No working, no marks .Faham ? :'(

Kali nie kena bergerak pantas , otak budak form 3 , tinggal kan buat sementara .
Holiday is coming very soon . I bet it's NOT gonna be an enjoyable holiday as before .
Seriously guys . Grow up . Be mature . But don't be like a robot, like a ro-bot . o.O
(like a g6 rhythm . haha)
Kalau tension , music might help you, kan ?
Oh by the wayy , the cross country event will be held on the March 11 .
Ahh can't wait ! But I bet there will be few students only coming to school on that day since it'll be held a day before holiday .
Hey you ! The one who is reading this , pls come okay !? :)
Till then , Assalamualaikum :)

Heart's Talk