Friday, July 15, 2011

Stop by and read :) iloveyoufriends

Today I am going to thank to those who have taken care of me , protected me and always be there for me when I needed you. Big thanks.
Including F8 members especially Aliah and Adlina,
family members especially nenek,
cousins - Fatin Fairuz and Fatin Faiza and Firdaus , Mustaqim,
Nadia Fariha, Billy Tan, Asyri, Ali Fikri,
Michelle Chan, Cik Faridah and Mr Ong.
and those yang banyak sangat tolong aku !
Terima kasih dears.
Appreciate y'all so much ! I am so blessed knowing such kind of people like y'all.
But I have been thinking about this a while .
You did look after me , but would I do the same thing to you ?
Sometimes I am quite disappoint with myself for being such a quiet type and I'm afraid I couldn't repay back your kindness.
I am so sorry , I am trying though. Just for you.

I just miss my old friends SO MUCH.
All those myspace friends, primary schools' friends .
Miss y'all like hell ! Where have you been ?
I miss the laughs and memories.
Those myspace friends , Ayoi for instance.
Primary schools' , Hazwani , Shadiah , Ridhwah , Syazwani , Syazalina , Filzah Faiqah , Hamzah , Elaine Tan , Neethiya Nair , Priya , Fathiya , Aiman Haris and Luqman Hakim .
Daniel Arbah and Fayyadh > best-old-neighbours-ever
Gilaa rindu korang ~
Precious memories ever ! I want all that back !
I wish I could turn back the time and be a nerd again ! Bhahahaha !

p/s : Kawan , kalau korang rasa aku pesaing korang, tak kira dalam apa-apa hal , aku minta maaf. Aku tak selesa korang fikir aku macam tu. Sebab aku tak anggap korang macam tu. Pesaing aku cuma diri aku sendiri. Tak pernah terfikir nak beat orang lain. Rasa tercabar tu adalah. Just challenge ownself and you'll know what you have gone through . Maaf tapi aku kena terus terang. Loveyougirls.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Runners Gathering ? :)

*photo has been removed*

Well ye ye ye, tauu .
Dah lama tak post . Haha . Even ada banyak cerita best tapi tak sempat nak post.
Kata pun best , mana lah nak ngat nak post kan :)

Okay lahh. Let bygones be bygones.
Hari ni punya cerita :) Okay .
Sekarang pukul 3.20pm and I just got home.
Tahu dari mana? Kami dari Aeon Bukit Tinggi :) yeah How lucky .
Hari ni Miss Helen Sim whom Blue House's teacher this year ,belanja kami makan McD ^_^
And yes , cikgu dah tunaikan janji :)
Before kami lari 4 by 400m on that sports day, masing masing takut.
Jaclyn dgn Michelle dah penat sebab dah byk lari before that.
So Mimi and I je kena tolong. then Miss Helen Sim datang, calm us down.
Macam tahun-tahun sebelum ni, Mimi mesti pengsan lepas lari.
So, kali ni Mimi cakap cikgu, kalau dia tak pengsan, cikgu belanja makan :) haha.
Finally memang Mimi tak pengsan, dia cuma pitam2 je. Caya lahh ! :)

Apa yang kurang best cuma tu lahh,
I'm the only form 4 . So Michelle kata ak sesat , haha .
Ok fine ^^" Memang . Lagipun ak memang dah takde kawan pun.
Nasib baik Michelle ada . Dgn org yg byk ckp n bg semangat, takde la ak bosan:)
Ohh btw, thanks to Jaclyn sbb bg taktik n strategy utk lari long distance .
You're the second one yg bg taktik after Amanina :) hehe.
Tak kisah la, ak mmg tauu biru menang sbb tgk la pun ak lari dgn siapa kan.
Athlete kan :) Terasa rendah je diri ak masa tuh. haha.
And finally memang menang pun :) Champion ! :D

So today is day. Teacher treated us MCD .
Lepas habis sekolah tadi Miss Helen brought us to Aeon .
Throughout the journey, mmg Michelle tak berhenti2 bercakap. Haha.
Kelakar la dia. Sadly , next year dia dah keluar sekolah.
Michelle and Jaclyn tak habis2 berdebat dalam kereta, sampai Miss Helen cakap,
"Faiqah , you don't let them scare you." haha ! What the.. ?
Memang scared pun sbb ak form 4 ! ^^"
And hari ni jugak lah ak first time makan burger kat McD.
Tak pernah2 makan, tp terpaksa la. Takkan nk cerewet pulak ^^"

On our way back home, Michelle and Jaclyn bual2 dengan cikgu pasal SPM.
Aku pasang telinga jela kan , :) YES , Michelle kalau bercakap, tak pernah nak kalah,
haha ! Kesian Jaclyn . Diorang cakap pasal addmath and accounts.
Seronok ahh ^_^ And the sad thing was,
Michelle kept asking me who is going to be the blue house captain next year .
She's kinda worry about this, gila responsible lahh dia .
She's asking me like , quite many times since sports day lagi.
Then ak cakap la maybe Eliana, or t could be Shwu Ling .
But she kept refusing ~ No no no no ,.
Hmm . Kesian . And she asked me to find 3 peoples for 4 by 400m next year ! ;P pfft .
Siapa nak ? Ingat senang nak cari ? Dahla Priya dah pindah sekolah :(
And paling terkejut , dia suruh ak dapatkan at least 30 points for rumah biru macam dia n Jaclyn , uh . Siapa ak nie nak jadi hebat cam dorang . .argh . .
Macam wasiat pulak ! haha !
But I would like to give a try next year :)

Tu jela kot cerita hari ni. Yeay :) I'm happy !
Instead of being stressed all the time with studies ~ =.='

Monday, July 4, 2011

Coming School Sports Day, 2011

Yeay esok Sukan Tahunan! Lama dah tunggu :) Post kali ni tak panjang sebab benda belum berlaku. Cuma kinda nervous for the event tomorrow. 9:
Every year pun participate 4 by 400m but last year je tak menang sebab ada orang pengsan n disqualified ;( pheww . And I've started participating 400m solo one last year when I was in form 3 :) And this year, nak try nasib lagi, hehe.
That day ada training sekejap dengan Michelle Chan, blue house captain . She's so strict !
Aku pun macam kena torture pulak . Kena paksa buat frog jump , sudah2 nya sakit kaki sampai berhari-hari . Naik turun tangga lagi la menyeksakan. Nasib baik hari sebelum lari dah okay sikit . Terkilan sikit kot sebab tak dapat nak training macam yg Michelle suruh. Tak kisah la.
Lari sebab enjoy . kan ! :) So esok 400m final ada 4 orang je , hehe. Aku lorong 6 :) kena pandai plan and guna stadium tu la , kalau nak menang. Macam last year lorong 8 , scary but won~
Apa yang aku excited esok ialah , 4 by 400m . I'll be running with 3 form 5s. Woahh , semua hebat2 ! And they are also my role model pun or so-called idol :) teehee .
They are Zatil Syamimi, Jacklyn Soo and Michelle Chan . But at the same time, risau jugak bila tahun depan , siapa nak lari sama2 ? :( Takpe la , besok lari dgn mereka2 :) Gonna help them to win and tebus balik johan sebab last year tak dpt .^^" I am so looking forward to tomorrow's events instead of Band Marching and performances, :D *wink ;)

Heart's Talk