Sunday, October 23, 2011

Them , who made my day !

Let's sum up.
I went to Jusco Bukit Tinggi yesterday which was Saturday . Baru je start cuti. hehe .
Semua cousins yang plan ! Gila rindu dorang !
So I reached there around 1030 . Memang la kan satu jam tnggu. Ak pun makan ice cream sorang2 . Pfft.
But then tiba ak dpt txt 'da smpai' . I didn't know he was coming . Oh yeah,
He is the one down here :) This was the 6th time jumpa after 5years kenal. Haha.

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Surprisingly he's coming :) hehe. But then hang out sekejap je sebab plan nak lepak dengan cousin , bukan dia ^_^" anyway , thanks for coming ! You made my daY !

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Ini la mereka2 yang ak rindu gila tahap maksimum ! :) Cousin Fatin Fairuz tu da brpe bulan tak jumpa sebab dia skarang study kat UiTM Perlis. Kalau tak b4 this asyik berkepit je^^"
Rindu teramat ! So tak lekang lah senyuman kat mulut ni kalau jumpa dorang! ;D I end up sleep over their house , hehe !

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Ye paling rindu budak sebelah kiri tu la! My cousin's bf for 3 years. Gila la! Setahun tak jumpa dia. Tak berubah kot. Enjoy sangat2 jumpa dorang ! Tak puas ! Tak puas buli budak baju hitam tu ! haha .

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Fatin Faiza , Fatin Fairuz .
They have changed me a lot in a better way !
Bersyukur dapat cousins macam korang .
I just love y'all SO DAMN MUCH !
No one else could replace you girls in my heart . Muacks!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

You get my full supports :)

<3 One Direction *Zayn Malik <3

Amirul Hadi Zainal :)

I have no idea why I like him so much. Whenever he appears on the tv, I'll scream my voice out and cheers for him. Lalalalalala . Whattaa . But he's already had a hair-cut and he looks better now ^_^ Syukur Alhamdulillah, Selangor has succeed to compete in the semi finals of Piala Malaysia ;D But they lost in the first match by 0-2 . I do admit Terengganu has the best players I've ever seen before in Malaysia.They fast! but I really hope Selangor will win for this cup. Hope Amri Yahya would participate for the second match this week! Get well soon :) I promise to cheer for you guys! Safee please come back. I will never stop cheering for the strikers and the midfields yeah! ;) Selangor and Manchester United , challenge the boundaries ! Wohoo !

Fake Exam 11'

wuuu ~ everyone's studying like pfft =,=
Another 3-day-exam to go! Can't wait to finish all this mess.
Supposingly exam is the best thing to do sebab benda ni buat kita cabar diri sendiri kan .
Tapi exam kali ni , fake .
Entah kenapa ak cakap fake kan. Ak pun fake sekali.
Soalan bocor sana bocor sini. Kadang2 rasa macam tak buat exam pulak.
I did not expect that before.
Ye sure la ak pun ada la dapat soalan bocor drpd kawan. tapi tak rely sangat la. Terima kasih jugak kt kawan tu. Even tak rapat, dia jugak la yg tolong. Memang semua orang perlu soalan tu kan. Ak pun. Sebab tak sempat cover chapter. Terpaksa kan. Kalau kita blaja sekali pun sebulan sebelum exam, at the end of the day semua dapat soalan bocor, msti bengang jugak kan. Budak genius semua pun siap bangga bawak exam scheme kat skola , apa lg ak. Mula2 mmg rasa macam x fair la. Tp terpaksa amek jugak la. Mana adil kan orang dapat tapi kita diam je. Macam jahil la pulak. Orang yg tak dapat soalan bocor pun sepatutnya cikgu kata orang tu bagus, tp zaman berubah kot. Haha. Skrg ckgu kata, "Kesian dia tak dapat soalan bocor macam kamu~" Haih .Ni bukan merungut , tapi luahan. Lol. Pernah jugak teragak agak nak amek soalan bocor tu, rasa bersalah punya pasal kan. Bila mintak pndapat org lain, ada yg kata, "Jangan sombong, kena cari ngan kawan2 .." pulak ken. Tak kisah la. Cukup la kot 4 subject je ak mnx soalan. Berat wo . Ak respect diri ak tp tpu diri sendiri. Aiyak . Anyway, score tak score blakang cerita. Sebab score pun 'fake' . Adui . Apa la yg ak tak puas hati sgt ni. Em okay3 . So far exam ni, paper acc,sejarah and physics ak hancur kot :) hehe . Dah melayang dah target ak. Besok Biology. Tak sabar. Tak sabar nak cuti ! :) Nak sambut Deepavali ^__^ Nak keluar dgn kawan2! Nak gemuk kan badan. Haha! Apa2 pun, Faiqah, jauh gila lagi journey kau. Tolong lah jangan depends on soalan bocor. Malu la faiqah , maluuuu =.= . Sikit subjek je pun 2x5~ Kay la. Best of luck! Assalamualaikum :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

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Mr A, hope you're worth waiting for after few years seeking for the guy like you ;P

Heart's Talk