Saturday, July 31, 2010



tasks :
  • band practises
  • futsal school match
  • pertandingan bercerita
  • take maths paper at arena
  • UiTM sports day at Kompleks Sukan Negara


ade tergendala ckit kot. sbb actually i was waiting for futsal match at bengkel lama

so i excuse jap from band practise. but it seemed no one there yet, so me n eliana went for band practising . the leader kononnye, suba . ak da suruh die panggil tp tak pnggil2,. tu la..

sane nk msok competition, cnie nk.. tamak2..consequently, ktorg tak dpt msok cz da disqualified . end of story .


pertandingan nie ak rse ak da pnah cte kt previous blog .

yg best nye participant nye dua org je. :P lols. pape pown , ckgu tetap nk dgr even tak formal kn situasi nye ,. so ak n eliana pown perform la cte masing2 . mula2 eliana cte dlu . tajuk nye hikayat mat jenin . :) blom afal abes, ckgu ckp takpe so cerita la half way jewp .. then my turn pulak . ak ckp ckgu supaya dga cte ak smpai abes. haha. sbb mula2 cte nye tak best sgt . so ckgu setuju . ak pown semangat je cte . :) tajuk cte, Isaura . cte nye pasal , erm...

program pertukaran pelajar malaysia-jepun . ak dpt cte nie dr buku teks tingkatan 3 . :)

so, best a gak cte nie .. :) hahaha ,. at last ckgu agak la teruja dgar ak cte pasal pnjajah . haha. so ak dpt no 1. n then eliana no 2.. ckgu maen letak je sape no 3.. haha .. jnji ade.. pelik2 .


ak pegi arena semalam dgn aliah n adlina . adlina pulak nk pinjam exam paper dr faiz. n nk exchange hadiah . tapi , yg tak best nye ktorg kne tunggu dorg lak . haish . lmbt . hehe .

so ktorg lepak at court 1 . sementara tnggu sil abes maen, tnggu faiz dtg.. last2 faiz dtg, ak n aliah blah .. bg privacy . :D hmm .. then, settle semua, kami pegi kat seberang court 1 dkt2 ngn pintu masuk uh . sementara adlina text faiz, aliah tgk exam paper faiz, sil kuar court n bg maths exam paper at ak .. takyah pnjg cte la. yg penting mission nie da acccomplished . :)


hmm ,. idk how to describe the event cause event nye ter amat22 best !!

even kne tnggu lme n bdiri lme tnggu dorg perform, sabar jela..

best sgt2. dorg cm buat marching n perform dpn stadium . dorg kiranya mewakili negara yg dorgb akan pegi la. hurm ,. ade germany, korea, japan , arab , russia n mcm2 lg . best seyh !

ak rse event yg paling best kot penah ak pegi upon my life. haha.

pape la. paling best ialah Russia, Arab n England kot. Russia tu die buat electro dance.. best !!! gempak sgt ..! arab plak buat musical drama .:) gile smart !!
then, england tu ade lelaki menyamar jd Lady Gaga . :)dorg buat tarian cm lady gaga . bodo btol. hehe ..:)

hey2 . whatever it is . i guess this was my tiring day ever kott . sgt2 penat . mlm tu pun kne tnggu aliah blek smpai dekat2 kowl 2 pagi ..

and mcm kate Miss Ng, this was my enjoyable n memorable experience i ever had. :p

thats all for now. byebye~

Friday, July 30, 2010

MISSION 1 accomplished !


tasks :
  • band practise
  • japanese class
  • skim kintet tuition
result : mission 1 accomplished . i m doing great ! ;D

today's band practise began at 8.30 a.m. to 12p.m.
everything's going well.
but i guess something's wrong with my trumpet .
well , long time didn't play .
whatever it is, it's cool .
The practise is for the performance for UiTM sports day .
i think so la.
so, the band members have to memorise 4 notes of song and that probably will be the
'Aku Cinta Padamu' , 'Eye of the Tiger' , 'La Bamba' and 'Marching Dream' .
so, i wish i could do my best for this one. :)

okay ,.
it has been almost 3 months i've not learning this.
the reason is the latest exam and tan sensei was going to Japan last 2 months.
hmm ,. da lme kn. so rse cm .. tkot nk g class lg ..
so.. actually everything's going well today . :)
i realise that i have become more confident to answer every single of questions that sensei asked us.
yay ! :) i m no longer fear or shy of this anymore.
hihi ~
and no longer learning jap language actually cause have to concentrate for the pmr exam.
i have asked for permission to postpone the class and sensei approved. :)
but after pmr , i have to come for jap class while the students are all busy with the activities that will be held.
hoho~ best la. pg smpai tgh hari study nihon go. :)
so pg td punye class tak menakutkan. so, accomplished then. (ape ak ckp neyh?) haha

huh ,.
nie ak nk cte nie..
pas je jap class td ak kne rush pegi tuition .
da mnx ayah ak anta trows g tuition tp ntah la..
lmbt dtg atao x dtg ,
so disebabkan ak nie ngah rushing, so
i have to go to tuition on fot . -.-"
it was so damn tired weyh .
from school i walked . lalu kt jejantas kete api uh . lari2 .
lalu jambatan klang .. lintas sorg2 ,.
huh ., bnde paling bdo ak buat . tp takpe la.
disebabkan niat ak nk blaja kn.. so, tak ksah la.
dlm hati ak ade doa gk , arap2 ak smpai tuition ngn selamat .:)
alhamdulillah. semua okay .
cuma tak ckup oxygen la.
pape pown . maths best !
maths is wonderful and maths is magic . :)
today we learned transformation and ak tbe2 terang hati .
wahh,. alhamdulillah !!

k bsok klaw ade mse, ak update msssion 2 pulak k . :) tataa..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

besties for badge of 2010

February guy ,
my "nyamuk" :)
i do miss you n love you .
aku kne lupekan kau.
sebab ,,
kau da lupekan aku .
i noe, u r a nice person .

September '93
ak sayangg kau .
ak tao kau da ade your own new life.
ak tak kcaw .
kite kne terima pe je yg terjadi.
u r the innocent man.

November '93
hey boy .
i noe it's hard for me to recall our memories back .
tp kan. i do miss you la.
kau byk bg semangat kat ak.
start dr ak ngn bf ak yg second ,
smpai yg third punye.
thanks sgt2 weyh .
i do regret for what i've done to you .
and it was too late to have u back .
take good care ya.

March boy,
u r so nice to me.
kau sayang ak.
ak tao.
i appreciate it so much.
but i can't accept you.
i'm sorry !

budak May
i was a stalker of you since i was young.
idk y.
i have interest in you.
perhaps i could be admiring you .
i noe i can't get you.
but it's enuf as long as
you r always remember me .
mr. e.h.p for badge of 2007
it's complicated man.
ak bnci la ble org yg ak nk , ak tak dpt .
tapi kali nie, ak da blaja erti "redha"
bff . insyaAllah .

you r such a nice, lovely person i've ever met.
i m happy to have a friend like you.
idk y.
perhaps because u always make me smile?
u r different .
thanks for this three years, dear .

kau nie..
kadang2 menyakitkan hati.
kadang2 tnpe ak sedar, byk da kau tolong ak.
thanks for that .
but any how, ak tao , ak da tak mcm dlu .
kau pown suke bandingkan diri kau ngn aku smpai kan
kau punye semangat pun da turun .
ak tanak disebabkan ak, kau jd down.
so, break a leg .
kau almost perfect .
kau cantik , kau pandai, cume kdg2 kau tanak mengaku yg
kau nie mmg sensitif ! :)

i dont have much to say about you.
because u r jst awesome ! :)

rse nye..
byk da ak pendam perasaan dr korg..
bad n good things.
korang mmg the best .
susah nk dpt kwn mcm korg.
sbb tu jugak
ak taley trime if
kte tak amek kesah ttg the members of f8
sorry girls .

hey my 'anak buah'
it has been a long time kte tak contact kn.
idk if i did something wrong with you .
but i do remember what i have said to you.
and, ak pernah tekad kn untuk tanak kwn ngn kau lg.
nie semua sbb "nyamuk".
and, ak still harap kte ley jd kwn.

lega . semua berjalan dgn lancar.
mse kte gado dlu pown da settle.
thanks hncurkan ego ak ckit2 . :)
take good care of ur gf.
she seemed to be busier than b4.
nk lepak ngn die pown skank mcm la nk mnx pergi bercuti ngn perdana menteri . :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

showdown 2010's champion !


here they are.
they are the champion of the showdown 2010.
woah !
they obviously deserved it k.
so don't be jealous :)
i luv u guys so much.
u all really entertain us with your performances!
the final showdown,u were doing great la weyh
Alam, train the funky girls for the nxt 'generation' :D
last but definitely not least,
i know that u guys love challenges !
so i wish, u all could hold a concert of yours
and make Malaysia proud to have u guys.


hey guys n girls :)

i m a bit dissapointed with myself.
i heard that two of my schoolmates already got their AFS letter.
it is Sok Yan n Reshinaa.
i m happy for them cz they are on behalf of mgs students who will be joining the AFS programme. :)

'tipu la kan kalau aku tak sedih'.

however, i m happy actually cz AFS programme which i attended last month was great.
so i grab the opportunity and i got the experiences.
i am happy cz i have step forward and become more confident with myself after attending the programme.
i know it is too soon for me to be chosen by them for the student exchange programme.
i know that. i am form 3. okay. there's 2 more years if i want to try again.

anyway, i am going to move on and start a better life. I promise :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


-hey baby , :) miss you~

Aqiel mebacanya persis orang yang tiada perasaan . ' salah hantar mesej kot budak nie.' Kepercayaan Aqiel terhadap Ashriq, merangkap 'boyfriend' nya itu makin berkurangan dari hari ke hari. Kasihan Aqiel. Sejurus itu Aqiel campak telefon bimbitnya di atas katil seperti mana yang biasa dilakukan. Telefon bimbitnya juga seperti sudah 'nazak' dan perlu ditukar atas keganasan Aqiel menggunakannya. Belum sempat Aqiel melelapkan matanya, nada dering telefon bimbitnya menjerit-jerit seakan-akan memaksa Aqiel untuk menjawab panggilan tersebut. Aqiel memaki-maki di dalam hati akan orang yang mengganggu Aqiel tidur. "Hello. You nak apa lagi .. ."
Aqiel memulakan perbicaraan dalam keadaan mamai dan separuh sedar. Situasi tersebut menambahkan lagi bengang Aqiel apabila tiada jawapan dari sebelah sana. Aqiel kemudian sentap lalu menengking, " Woi.. nak cakap ape, cakap la weyh ... buang mase aku laa ! Kau nk pegi ngan Fadisha ke, siapa ke, aku da tak kesah la ! " Aqiel mengeluh berat di hujung katanya.
" Qiel.. . are you okayy...?". Suara yang agak perlahan dan hampir tidak kedengaran itu membuatkannya terkejut dan malu dengan kata-katanya tadi. Aqiel memilih untuk mendiamkan diri kerana malu dengan percakapannya yang tidak sopan tadi. Aqiel tahu siapa di talian. Cuma dia tertanya-tanya dari mana nombor telefonnya boleh sampai padanya. "Are you alright?" Aqiel tetap membatu. " Watcha doing there?" suara di talian sekan-akan tidak berputus asa bertanyakan soalan demi soalan apabila Aqiel masih tidak mahu bersuara.
"Tidur." Pendek sahaja jawapannya. "Amirul la. hmm..Are you joining the marathon comp? Cause I have to take list for those who wanna join it A.S.A.P. I'm in charge of this." "Ya. Masukkan jela nama Qiel kat list tu. Anything else?" Amirul makin tidak puas hati dengan sikap Aqiel yang mahu tidak mahu sahaja bercakap dengannya. "Hey, what's wrong..? Datang bulan pe budak nie.." Aqiel yang mendengar hanya bersabar sahaja dengan Amirul yang mengenakannya kembali. "Nope." Aqiel yang pada ketika itu memejamkan mata semasa masih di talian. Tanpa sedar, air matanya mengalir di pipinya.

Heart's Talk