Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cheers :)


yeah , mark my word :)
That simple motto brings me success and helps me a lot !
I'm using it whenever the examination is coming ,
I'm not using Never Say Never ~.~
because I said that for many times ed ^_^"
Find your own motto and use it to the fullest ;)
Oh not to forget , you do need supports too
instead of burns the midnight oil during exam season, okay ?
If you don't get any support , just find any :) haha.

Well the purpose I posted this blog is to talk about the School Open Day
which was held on Tue, June 28 .
If you don't want to read this because of you don't wanna think of exam ed,
then don't read ^_^'
Ohh btw I got number 2 in class with straight A's and average marks of 0.92,
and I'm happy ;) *never expect that though.
Since then I know ed how to study like those genius macam Weithong and Losshiny. hehe.
Next target is to master all the form 4's subjects so that I would not struggle with form 5's lessons later on. Yeah you can do it !
I just know teacher would mention about my kehadiran. I know because she just don't know what to talk to my dad ;P
UB3 is coming and we'll just have to face it again and fulfill all our promises to do well for the next's.

Therefore , Gambatteh ne ! :D
p/s : I am so looking forward to Bon Odori Festival on July 16 ^____^
Love ya !

Monday, June 27, 2011

Heart Them Much

:) They just love dancing to death and influence me to stick my eyes on them dancing !

#1 B2ST
~South Korean Band !

#2 Jabbawockeez
~ American Best Dance Crew !

#3 - Elecoldxhot
Showdown 2011 !

#4 - Legacy
SoYouThinkYouCanDance Season 6 !

#5 - Billy Bell & Alex Wong
SoYouThinkYouCanDance Season 7 !

When I bored, i'd do this

I am so in love with them , haha ?
Espeacially at the end of the video when they start to dance spontaneously ~

Friday, June 24, 2011


Well I just dislike you all nowadays, classmates.
You are sometimes annoying , don't have to act smart because you already are.
but please do me a favor.
Don't be rude and do respect our teachers.
Best sangat ke dapat title 'pandai' ?
and at the same time you keep calling everyone 'idiot' ?
There you go, korang nampak tak seorang cikgu dah fed-up dengan kita?

Are you all happy now ?

Monday, June 13, 2011


Holiday's over , school's reopen
Homeworks are undone , exam results start to be given away.
Ohh yeah , First day of school was sleepy by the way.
I felt really awkward when I was entering the school gate this morning.
This June school reopening will be a very tiring weeks with lots of activities.
Everyone keeps forcing me today to do this and that , go here and there =='
As a band members, must go to band practises and meeting blah blah blah .
As a blue house member sum more have to participate this and that .
"Faiqah, go and write your name for the event!"
"Nanti la cikgu, saya tak sure lagi, taktau boleh lari lagi atau tak,"
"Tulis saja lah , next week I'll test you lah.. go NOW.."
"Later teacher . . ."
"Girl , go and try the high jump there !" . " . . . . . . "
"Try lahh .. " . " . . . .!!! . . "
Sigh ~

Ohh btw today i've got my exam papers.
I already got my Agama,Biology,PJK and BM Paper 2 .
Alhamdulillah all A so far , except for BM paper 2 cause I haven't get the Paper 1.
Tomorrow will be the next tiring day . Exampapersday.
So I'll just have to wait for tomorrow. I hope that all my efforts paid off.
It's Payback Time ,okay?
For my Accounts paper, I'll just have to put my finger crossed
that I will AT LEAST pass the paper ! Idc even it is a D. I MUST pass :')
Okay , I'll welcome you, Tuesday.

You Are Almost Perfect

Oh well yeah ,
today I met you, in front of school
It is a kind of bussiness meeting
And it is also our first 'meet' since I know you 3 years ago
I met YOU
It's been so long aite ? You've changed a lot.
And of course in a better way , FAR better than previous years.
Nov 11,08 is still in memories.
Ohh thanks SO very much for helping me in my studies.
You do support me to succeed. You wanted it !
You do care about me but I'm afraid you are someone's.
You're no longer Ika's ^^" but I am happy for you too.
Just to remind myself, I am going to do it.
I'll just have to search for someone just like you.
I like you, A . <3 Lets be friends forever ? ;)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Have FUN @ Sunway Lagoon !

Well , on the 5th of June
my mum brought me, my bro, my sis and bro's pal to Sunway Lagoon yeah ! It was super duper hecking FUN ! haha ! We took 3 themes , which were Water Park, Wildlife Park and Amusement Park . So we've decided to go to amusement park first ! Seriously it was F*CKING FUN !

Here are some of pictures just after we reach there ^_^
Mula mula kami kami pergi naik sorta roller coaster yg tahap budak2 je boleh rasa ketakutannya . haha ! dah lama woot tak naik roller coaster ! Hajat tercapai jugak ! :D
Then kami kami pulak pergi la naik apa benda tah nama , yang naik satu boat nie then dia bawak kita naik tinggi2 then terjun dengan curam ke bawah and got splash ! ala korang pernah naik kan , :) so that was one of the best jugak . haha ! Habis basah ! :)
Ada banyak lagi lah ktorg dah naik .
Sayangnya ktorg tak bawak camera :( Simpan dalam locker ,
Yang paling best ialah Pirate's Revenge and Tomahawk .

Masa naik PR nie , aku jerit sampai takde suara ! haha ,
Ktorg duduk in order camnie , Udin, Faiq, Ika, Shasha and mum.
So ak kat tengah la kan . aku punya la jerit tak ingat dunia sebab takut ,
aku jerit nama faiq , aku tak habis2 cakap CUKUP CUKUP ! haha !
makin aku cakap cukup , makin tinggi dia bawak !
Yang bamyak jerit , aku, Udin dengan Shasha ! haha .
Udin tak habis2 , "bang, turunkan saya ! " haha .
Nie yg cm naik sampan tu yg pusing 360 degree ~ haha ~
korang pernah? XD

Yang tomahawk pulak aku diam. Tatao nape , sama jugak cam PR tapi lagi laju n sekejap , memang tak tentu arah lah pusat graviti aku kan . haha !
Syok gilaa ! Skank aku dah atasi banyak ketakutan aku .
Aku betul2 having fun lepas kan tension ! :D

*photo has been removed*

Nie pulak photo masa ktorg dah gila2 . masuk air la kata kan . Memang kat air pun .
Well ktorg pusing pool nie dah brape kali ntah . Berbekalkan pelampung yang ktorg amek sape punya tah . haha ! Ktorg memang camni . Masa pusing2 nie , masing2 balas dendam . Mula2 aku and faiq naik , Udin bawak jela ktorg along the way sampai patah balik tempat asal . Then aku pulak bawak dorg . Apa laagi , disebabkan Udin dah kena kan aku bawak tempat yg air kena tepat kat muka , aku pulak bawak dorg , aku terbalik kan pelampung sampai dorg jatuh ! ahaha .
Larat jugak ek aku . hehe .

Tempat yang sama .
Tapi nie aku nak cte yg ktorg pergi surf :) hehe .
Game air nie macam ni , ktorg kena meniarap atas satu bnde nie , then slide dari tempat yg TINGGI gilaa ! Sumpah tinggi . Then ktorg nak lumba sape smpai dulu !
Haha ! Udin menang mula2 ! then ak last , so its okay , kali kedua , naik lagi !
Sebab nie antara game air yg paling tak boleh lupa ! Nampak je seram tapi BEST sgt !
Yeah ! kali kedua org berkulit hitam taktao sape , (sblh aku) punya la slide laju ! second faiq kot . Udin last ! haha ! Aku nak lagi ! XD
Then ktorg naik slide yg bentuk phyton . Okay la kot . Tak mencabar sgt ;)

*photo has been removed*

& nie yang paling sedih , we have to go back . Pukul 6 lebih dah enjoy ~ :(
Takpe , aku AKAN pergi lagi sekali ! :) okay ~!? kali nie aku nk pergi dengan kawan2 !
At least aku ada exp :) Woot ! Kalau panjang umur , aku nak cuba semua !
EXCEPT for the haunted house . haha ! tak berani ahh .

Okay la, that's all . Tak panjang kan ? aku dah summarise kan :)
No words to describe how much I enjoyed the day ! XD

Heart's Talk