Thursday, October 21, 2010

these make me feel perfect (:


ouh my Gucci ! he's hot !! i dont know why suddenly only i can attract with someone gile2 ! kalau attract kat actor skali pun takde la smpai mcm nie .haha.
it started when i was first watching a series drama named Alisa . Every Monday to Thursday , at 2.00 pm . wahh ! ^_^ first and foremost , i LOVE him for his character . He's such a lovely gentleman in this drama . He acts as Nuno . He is so caring for his love* . And his attitude reminds me of someone and kebetulan pulak his looking is just looks alike as one of my friend . ahh ! what a small world . (:
in a nutshell , He is obviously a lovely gentleman ! aww . ^_^


first of all , ak SAYANG korang ! hey , adlina lebih ckit ! ;D

HARI SELASA , 19 Oct 10'

the lucky chosen day . the last minute plans were really benefit us .^_^
at first , i could not leave my only netball competition by not going to school .
agak keberatan . pheww !
fortunately , after having fun hanging out and went for outing with f8s ,
langsung tak menyesal sbb tak dtg skola . :)
having lots of fun sbb da lme tak hanging around sme2 !
thanks girls . you all make my day . :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

what's wrong with me ?!

hmm .. first of all , ak nk mnx maaf kat korang2 sbb ak da byk buat salah kat korg .
apatah lagi family . sejak dua menjak nie, ak selalu depressed .
and , i myself dont even know why i can be so damn depressed .

yg ak tao , everyone around me always getting on my nerves
eventhough sometimes ,
i dont know , ape yang ak da buat kat KAu ? and i m afraid of myself .
recently , someone really makes me mad .

and cume satu bnde je yg ade kat otak ak mse uh,

ak cume tao , yang ak nk cederakan sape2 yg ade kat sekeliling ak .
mate ak pulak tak habis2 carik bnde yg bole cederakan org .
ak rse , nie la akibatnye ble ak da
banyak sgt simpan perasaaan dlm hati .
tak ksah la sedih ke, marah ke. selama nie ak tahan je kott .
ak harap pas nie xde sape yg akn buat ak mara
sbb ak tanak cederakan korg .
ak tanak .
and habit ak sndri yg ak nk buang jaoh2 ialah ,
ak tanak 'bercakap' dlm hati .
that is the most frequently ak buat ble ak diam .
ak bole kutuk , ak bole nanes , ak bole suke kt soemone ,

and all that happens ONLY in my mind or heart .
ak tanak semua nie . ak tak mnx semua nie .

and dear bestbuddy ,
ak sgt2 depressed ngn bf kao yg tak abes2 sowh kao contact die.
skank kao da ade fon kn ,
ak da penat nk jd org tengah korg .
lebih2 lagi bf kao yg childish tapi berlagak matured .
blek2 ak yg kne mara .
ak harap kao sedar stu hari nnti ,
bhw bf kao cume nk maen2 kn kao je .
ak tak berhak nk cakap ape2 . cume, i know what is behind the door .
ak tanak act lbeyh2 . i'll let you decide for your own good .
asl kao bahagia , cukup la.

done with that .
few hours later , i will be going to RSA .
sharp at 5 .
playing futsal with my friends .
playing futsal for the frst time after PMR was over . ( just as i've planned b4)
and that's all i want .
and friends ., i am soo sorry fr what i've done to you .

the behind talks .

the unwanted acts .

i did not mean to do all those silly things .
and now i know what is the meaning of
true loneliness .

Friday, October 15, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

FINALLY ? is it ?


rse nye everyone knows what is happening to all the form 3's sudents ,.
yeah , we're free , at last .
day after day , rse cm bru smalam ak tnye org ,
"can i noe what is the date of PMR exam, pls?"
haha . finally kan .

so , skank nie , ble da abes PMR , da tataonk buat pe,.
sebenarnye pun , tgh tnggu kawan2 ajak hanging around kt mne2 nie,.
and what i want is ,
every single person in F8 members must join klaw ade outing nanti ,.
it's a MUST , okay !? ^_^

next , i have to complete my mission !
da plan b4 PMR , so smue kne menjadi ,.
apart from that , klaw time2 cmnie la boring , sah2 la mmg takde keje an selain
melepak , makan , tdo .
so , ape kate , kte start je tuition ! ^_^
i've planned to register fr ET tuition by this week !
so .. drpd buang mse tak buat pape,.
sementare tnggu handphone ak nie memekak sbb kawan2 ajak outing,
its better g tuition ,. plus ,, i miss my tuition teacher .
especially Miss Gan , my only MATHS GUIDER !
and makes me love maths damn f****** much ! lols .

:: PMR was just over ::
i m thinking of something new to do , to watch , to listen ,
in my every single day of my life after THIS big exam .
setelah pantang drpd makan bnde2 yg berminyak , junk food and so on,
drpd berpuasa drpd minum fizzy drinks,
drpd sikap bnci
memandang tv screen and computer screen,
apatah lagi handphone screen .
its about time to release everything !
but know what ? i m getting used of keep doing all that such things
untill now . it freaks me out . and its something good to get used of
good things around me n myself .
it isn't just good , but i become a better person la kot .
semua bnde yg selama nie ak addicted , ak da anti .
haha . what the ....

okayy ,. that's all for now .
i shall write again if i get some great news atao sebaliknye .
i m going out now
see ya ~

Heart's Talk